Coci Heavenshield
Dawnguard Grand Master
Name: Luria
Region: Wild Space
System: Luriss
Suns: One sun – Aysnosie
Orbital Position: Habitual Zone
Moons: One moon – Answorth
System Features: Planet Luria is ringed by an asteroid belt.
Coordinates: Situated in the Hex between Planets Mon Calamari and Arda.
Rotational Period: 29 Standard Hours
Orbital Period: 372
Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 13, 225 km in diameter
Atmosphere: Type 1
Climate: Temperate
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain:
Native Species: Lurissians – Humanoid 67%
Immigrated Species:
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 6.2 billion
Demonym: Lurissian
Major Imports:
Affiliation: To be established through RP development with the members Jedi Academy and their affiliates.
Major Locations:
There are various spots on the planet that are important because of either religious or political significance. The locations of a few of them are as follows:
The Highland: This is the most notable feature of the grasslands, since it is the only part of it that is not simply a flat surface. It is a place of celebration for the Lurissians of the grasslands, and this is most evident on New Year’s Day when the Highland Games are held and each principality in the kingdom sends a single combatant to compete for the title of “Glorious Victor”. It also holds religious importance to the entire species, being the supposed place where the great god came down to meet one of the heroes of Lurissian legend. No one is allowed to build homes on it, and the only times that people are allowed to ascend the created stairs to the top of the plateau are people on pilgrimage during the holy days and warriors and spectators during the yearly competition.
The Grand Reef: On the coastline of the western side of the continent lies a very large coral reef that lies on top of an underwater series of caverns. This is where the leadership of the ocean-dwelling Lurissians meets and operates, and the reef above is where the bodies of the sacrificed are left to decompose and be eaten by the various sea-life. Pieces of the reef are sometimes taken and worn as jewellery by the ones the leader has deemed worthy.
The Tree of Life: In the forests above the grasslands lies the tallest tree on the entire planet and it is revered by the forest tribes as the ultimate sign of life. Pilgrims from all over the planet travel to see its greatness and worship the great god in all its forms, and its sap can be mixed with certain ingredients to create a powerful hallucinogenic that some use to send people on inward journeys of the soul.
The Void: Even farther north from the tree is the northern polar region, and there lies a very large pit. This pit is said by the northern Lurissians to be where the enemy of the great god will rise to cover the world in ice and death, beginning the end of days that will eventually lead to the planet’s rebirth. Most do not follow this interpretation of the religion, and simply dismiss this spot as simply a giant hole in the ground to avoid.
The God-Forge: The largest volcano and tallest point on the planet and at the bottom of this feature is where the most powerful clan of the mountains have made their home. It is said by some of the Lurissians to be the great god’s weapon forge and his wrath given shape, ready to destroy everything if awoken. This symbol of power has become an enhanced form of the various mountain clans’ trial of manhood, where the young one has to climb up towards the top of the volcano and defeat the warriors set to challenge them along the way before claiming their life-weapon.
The general society of Luria revolves around the Monarchy. The Lurissian are a proud people and hold the Crown dear to their heart. They hunger for anything relating to the noble families, from politics to gossip. They also hold great pride in their Principalities which has developed a healthy rivalry between neighbouring regions. This is most evident on New Year’s Day when the Highland Games are held and each Principality competes for the title of Victor.
The Principalities cover a large spans of land. The grasslands are home to the Artisans’ of Luria for are noted for their fine arts, weavers, tapestries and sculptures. Each location determines the life style of the peoples, most notably the high country, mountain range and polar cap regions are home to the Royal Military Academies. The society in these areas are based around a more structured existence. The Royal Academies are host to Cadets from notable birth who enter the Academies to become Officers of the Royal Guard. Scholarships are available and awarded to those of lesser birth.
The Principalities are governed by an appointed Duke/Duchess by the Crown. They are responsible for not only the general daily welfare of the peoples, but are directly responsible for the running of the economy for that region. They are to maintain the laws of the land, as well as monitoring and gathering of taxes.
Technology: Equivalent to most of the Outer Rim.
Little is known of the History of Luria before the plague, but four Lurissian tomes that are held within the royal library are the only records left to tell the tale. These legendary books, bound in the scales of revered sages and scholars, tell of mighty Kings and Queens that once ruled over a loosely united planet steeped in nobility, heroes of great courage, dangerous quests, and rich with natural resources, of great beauty and value. But devastation eventually descended on old Luria and changed it forever.
The Galaxy, now held in the grip of the Gulag Virus that billions upon billions would succumb to, would now see many of its sentient beings flee to the outer rim and beyond into unknown space in order to escape. Around 426 ABY, one such shuttle landed on Luria full of refugees who not only carried what little possession they had, but introduced many diseases including the dreaded virus. It would not take long for the virus to infect and destroy the majority of the population on the planet, robbing it of the unity that so much was sacrificed for as the regional groups secluded themselves in the name of survival.
In a mad and desperate act to stave off the disease, King Voltiine had ordered the Royal Guard to commence with the event known in the histories as "The Cleansing Fire". In an orchestrated assault the guardsmen set fire to all the major cities, towns and villages they could with the hope to purge the planet of this foul sickness. No one would escape the dreaded flames, not even the royal family as they took refuge from the fire in their bunker near the palace. The capital city burned to the ground around them, and as the fire reached the bunker it took their lives as a faulty air vent allowed the billowing flames above ground to suck out the air from the bunker...and they suffocated.
The royal lineage, which had ruled over the planet since its unification under King Selorix the Glorious, had ended in a shameful blaze.
However the Lurissians did survive in the end thanks to an improved immunity system, and began to rebuild their planet to its former glory over the ages as new regional powers arose across the continent. Today we see the result of the hard work and sacrifice over thousands of years re-establish the majority of the cities and townships in the grasslands area that once stood grandly, proudly, and were formerly held in high esteem rise from the ashes. With new trade routes established to bring in foreign aid, goods, and services along with new technology the grassland kingdom, which was the former centre and is all that remains of the old empire, began to see new advancements and reached a level above where they used to be before the dark ages all those years ago.
The Lurissians offered much in return to these foreign merchants and traders no matter what region they hailed from, their unquestionable craftsmanship in the fine arts of weaving and jewellery found new fame with those who purchased them as well as the hidden riches beneath the soil being mined to bring in wealth. Various other trinkets and curiosities from each of the regions have been exported in various quantities as well, ranging from very rare hallucinogenic made from the largest and most sacred tree on the planet to various philosophical texts and ceremonial/decorative melee weapons.
After the death of King Voltiine "the Burner" and the last of the ruling family, the Lurian Empire of old was left without a true heir and crumbled into the various powers of present Luria, with many of the ruling families from the grassland principalities vying for the throne of the former empire's centre. Those that did manage to gain control, whether they were considered good rulers or not, did not live up to the grassland citizens' vision of Luria's past glories, and with the end of the latest royal line they long for a worthy successor to bring them into a new golden age .
Notable PCs: Immigrant playing character: Jedi Academy members and affiliates.
Intent: To provide a platform for further Role Play development for Jedi.
Region: Wild Space
System: Luriss
Suns: One sun – Aysnosie
Orbital Position: Habitual Zone
Moons: One moon – Answorth
System Features: Planet Luria is ringed by an asteroid belt.
Coordinates: Situated in the Hex between Planets Mon Calamari and Arda.
Rotational Period: 29 Standard Hours
Orbital Period: 372
Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 13, 225 km in diameter
Atmosphere: Type 1
Climate: Temperate
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain:
- Seas
- Grasslands
- Peat Marshes
- Polar Caps
- Mountain Range
- Forests
- Lochs
- Active Volcano
Native Species: Lurissians – Humanoid 67%
Immigrated Species:
- Pashvi – 11%
- Draethos – 10%
- Twi'lek – 7%
- Other – 5%
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 6.2 billion
Demonym: Lurissian
Major Imports:
- Technologies
- Foods
- Textiles
- Tourism
- Fine Fabrics
- Tapestries
- Natural Mineral Spring Water
- Gems
- Crystals
- Kelsh
- Pyronium
- Hollinium
- Scatrium
Affiliation: To be established through RP development with the members Jedi Academy and their affiliates.
Major Locations:
There are various spots on the planet that are important because of either religious or political significance. The locations of a few of them are as follows:
The Highland: This is the most notable feature of the grasslands, since it is the only part of it that is not simply a flat surface. It is a place of celebration for the Lurissians of the grasslands, and this is most evident on New Year’s Day when the Highland Games are held and each principality in the kingdom sends a single combatant to compete for the title of “Glorious Victor”. It also holds religious importance to the entire species, being the supposed place where the great god came down to meet one of the heroes of Lurissian legend. No one is allowed to build homes on it, and the only times that people are allowed to ascend the created stairs to the top of the plateau are people on pilgrimage during the holy days and warriors and spectators during the yearly competition.
The Grand Reef: On the coastline of the western side of the continent lies a very large coral reef that lies on top of an underwater series of caverns. This is where the leadership of the ocean-dwelling Lurissians meets and operates, and the reef above is where the bodies of the sacrificed are left to decompose and be eaten by the various sea-life. Pieces of the reef are sometimes taken and worn as jewellery by the ones the leader has deemed worthy.
The Tree of Life: In the forests above the grasslands lies the tallest tree on the entire planet and it is revered by the forest tribes as the ultimate sign of life. Pilgrims from all over the planet travel to see its greatness and worship the great god in all its forms, and its sap can be mixed with certain ingredients to create a powerful hallucinogenic that some use to send people on inward journeys of the soul.
The Void: Even farther north from the tree is the northern polar region, and there lies a very large pit. This pit is said by the northern Lurissians to be where the enemy of the great god will rise to cover the world in ice and death, beginning the end of days that will eventually lead to the planet’s rebirth. Most do not follow this interpretation of the religion, and simply dismiss this spot as simply a giant hole in the ground to avoid.
The God-Forge: The largest volcano and tallest point on the planet and at the bottom of this feature is where the most powerful clan of the mountains have made their home. It is said by some of the Lurissians to be the great god’s weapon forge and his wrath given shape, ready to destroy everything if awoken. This symbol of power has become an enhanced form of the various mountain clans’ trial of manhood, where the young one has to climb up towards the top of the volcano and defeat the warriors set to challenge them along the way before claiming their life-weapon.
- Government: Absolute Monarchy
- Arts: Tapestries, Sculptures, Fine Arts
- Sports: Highland Games, Fishing, Hunting, Card Playing and Pod Racing.
- Military: Royal Military Academy
- Religion: No structured religion, however Lurissian's have freedom to follow a religion of their choosing.
The general society of Luria revolves around the Monarchy. The Lurissian are a proud people and hold the Crown dear to their heart. They hunger for anything relating to the noble families, from politics to gossip. They also hold great pride in their Principalities which has developed a healthy rivalry between neighbouring regions. This is most evident on New Year’s Day when the Highland Games are held and each Principality competes for the title of Victor.
The Principalities cover a large spans of land. The grasslands are home to the Artisans’ of Luria for are noted for their fine arts, weavers, tapestries and sculptures. Each location determines the life style of the peoples, most notably the high country, mountain range and polar cap regions are home to the Royal Military Academies. The society in these areas are based around a more structured existence. The Royal Academies are host to Cadets from notable birth who enter the Academies to become Officers of the Royal Guard. Scholarships are available and awarded to those of lesser birth.
The Principalities are governed by an appointed Duke/Duchess by the Crown. They are responsible for not only the general daily welfare of the peoples, but are directly responsible for the running of the economy for that region. They are to maintain the laws of the land, as well as monitoring and gathering of taxes.
Technology: Equivalent to most of the Outer Rim.
Little is known of the History of Luria before the plague, but four Lurissian tomes that are held within the royal library are the only records left to tell the tale. These legendary books, bound in the scales of revered sages and scholars, tell of mighty Kings and Queens that once ruled over a loosely united planet steeped in nobility, heroes of great courage, dangerous quests, and rich with natural resources, of great beauty and value. But devastation eventually descended on old Luria and changed it forever.
The Galaxy, now held in the grip of the Gulag Virus that billions upon billions would succumb to, would now see many of its sentient beings flee to the outer rim and beyond into unknown space in order to escape. Around 426 ABY, one such shuttle landed on Luria full of refugees who not only carried what little possession they had, but introduced many diseases including the dreaded virus. It would not take long for the virus to infect and destroy the majority of the population on the planet, robbing it of the unity that so much was sacrificed for as the regional groups secluded themselves in the name of survival.
In a mad and desperate act to stave off the disease, King Voltiine had ordered the Royal Guard to commence with the event known in the histories as "The Cleansing Fire". In an orchestrated assault the guardsmen set fire to all the major cities, towns and villages they could with the hope to purge the planet of this foul sickness. No one would escape the dreaded flames, not even the royal family as they took refuge from the fire in their bunker near the palace. The capital city burned to the ground around them, and as the fire reached the bunker it took their lives as a faulty air vent allowed the billowing flames above ground to suck out the air from the bunker...and they suffocated.
The royal lineage, which had ruled over the planet since its unification under King Selorix the Glorious, had ended in a shameful blaze.
However the Lurissians did survive in the end thanks to an improved immunity system, and began to rebuild their planet to its former glory over the ages as new regional powers arose across the continent. Today we see the result of the hard work and sacrifice over thousands of years re-establish the majority of the cities and townships in the grasslands area that once stood grandly, proudly, and were formerly held in high esteem rise from the ashes. With new trade routes established to bring in foreign aid, goods, and services along with new technology the grassland kingdom, which was the former centre and is all that remains of the old empire, began to see new advancements and reached a level above where they used to be before the dark ages all those years ago.
The Lurissians offered much in return to these foreign merchants and traders no matter what region they hailed from, their unquestionable craftsmanship in the fine arts of weaving and jewellery found new fame with those who purchased them as well as the hidden riches beneath the soil being mined to bring in wealth. Various other trinkets and curiosities from each of the regions have been exported in various quantities as well, ranging from very rare hallucinogenic made from the largest and most sacred tree on the planet to various philosophical texts and ceremonial/decorative melee weapons.
After the death of King Voltiine "the Burner" and the last of the ruling family, the Lurian Empire of old was left without a true heir and crumbled into the various powers of present Luria, with many of the ruling families from the grassland principalities vying for the throne of the former empire's centre. Those that did manage to gain control, whether they were considered good rulers or not, did not live up to the grassland citizens' vision of Luria's past glories, and with the end of the latest royal line they long for a worthy successor to bring them into a new golden age .
Notable PCs: Immigrant playing character: Jedi Academy members and affiliates.
Intent: To provide a platform for further Role Play development for Jedi.