Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LEGAL NAME: Luric Shinji Ee'everwest
AFFILIATION: The Galactic Alliance [New Jedi Order], The Atrisian Commonwealth
RANK: Jedi Knight
SPECIES: Human / Atrisian
AGE: 21
HEIGHT: 6' (183cm)
WEIGHT: 204 lbs (92.5kg)
EYES: Pale Blue
HAIR: Black
ALIGNMENT: Lightside
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: High Galactic, Galactic Basic, Atrisian, Arkanian.


    Honor. Duty. Family.​

    These are the words which the Ee'everwest family have lived by for all their lives. Such is the life of one born to such wealth, privilege, and status. Dukes, Duchesses, Governors, Handmaidens, Senators, there were not many titles that the Ee'everwest family had not collected in some fashion. But there is one title that is unique among them. It was never sought, and is not looked upon with much favor. This is not to say they do not love and care for the boy who wears the title with a sense of pride, but truly, it is his, and his alone.


    A Jedi with no Master, a young man who wanders the stars, hopping from system to system, seeking only to perfect his skills. In the martial arts, in dueling, in philosophy, and within the Force itself. Luric Ee'everwest is a man of honor, a Jedi who adheres to very specific set of rules. trying to always better himself so that he may better protect his family, and those who seemingly cannot protect themselves. To be that force for what is good and true in the galaxy, and to never stop moving forward. This drive behind the Human and Atrisian hybrid has everything to do with one man, his father. Kintel Ee'everwest, slain in the prime of his life by a homicidal maniac known only as the Thistlebark Killer. Luric was only an infant, barely a few months old when it happened, and never knew his father proper. His mother, an Atrisian native by the name of Ayane Tanaka, had felt it best that the boy be raised by his paternal family, as she knew they could give to him the life she felt he would deserve. And so, the young Ee'everwest boy Luric would know only this life as he grew up.

    Luric was a playful, happy child, being raised alongside his cousins at their ancestral home on Naboo. He was always a bright boy, never needing to be shown something more than once or twice before he'd catch on. Of course his adoptive mother, his Auntie Alora, always made sure that Luric was engaged, learning, and being groomed to be a proper member of the family. This, however, did not stop the boy from getting into trouble at every available opportunity, no thanks to his cousin and best friend, Briana Sal-Soren. If Luric was the angel on your shoulder, you could rest assured that little Briana would be on your other one, trying to hide those horns! Of course, they both meant well, never getting into anything too serious, but Bri-Bri would always rag on her cousin Lu-Lu. And no matter how many times Luric would cry to his Auntie Alora or his Auntie Teyla, she never did stop calling him that awful name. If only he knew where their lives would end up. Still, he would have what one might call a 'typical upper-class upbringing' upon Naboo, mixing with all the movers and shakers in one way or another. Luric, along with his cousins, also attended the prestigious Royal House of Learning in the capital city of Theed. Luric would excel in his studies, and graduated near the top of his class, as was expected of him.

    But, the boy wanted more. He needed more. And this would lend to his eventual leaving of Naboo to reconnect with his biological mother and his maternal family, both by blood and by marriage, it would seem. He would spend much time upon the worlds of both Atrisia and Arakana, training alongside his half-brother Ardin under the tutelage of his step-uncle and aunt, themselves highly decorated master duelists. It was here where the call of the warrior would beckon young Luric, and he would throw himself into his training, focusing on nothing else. No recreation, no accompanying young well-to-do ladies to formal events, not even returning home to the Ee'everwest Estate for special gatherings for a few years. Nothing was more important than to become the absolute best. And when the young Luric did return home, he was not the adolescent child he was when he left, but now a young man in his later teens. He would begin training in the ways of the Force as a Jedi Padawan under the tutelage of his Aunt Teyla, as for reasons unknown to him at the time, she did not train her own children in this manner. Any time he asked, he was quickly dismissed, and soon he would stop asking the question altogether.

    As the months and years progressed, Luric was becoming a man, and as such was expected to take on certain duties and responsibilities like so many other members of his family. Luric, however, felt that it would be a waste of his time, his energy, and be doing a disservice to his father's memory. His father was once the heir of the family, and now, he was but a distant memory, held close, but barely spoken of. He wasn't sure why, but he knew that his birthright, the firstborn and only known son of Kintel Ee'everwest, would never truly be his to claim. He understood the reasons why, but that did not stop him from having a chip on his shoulder about it. He loved his family, he still does. He reveres them, and they are his reason for why he does what he does. Luric would seek out others of the Jedi Order, seeking to further his knowledge in any way he possibly could. He would seek out those such as the Hero of Korriban, Judah Lesan and the famed Battlemaster, Caltin Vanagor. From these men he would learn more about those things which the Ee'everwest Family seemingly held in reverence;

    Honor. Duty. Family.

    And in those things, Luric would find something he'd been searching for; Valor.


    - Strengths -

    Force Usage: The following are Luric's known abilities in the Force:

    Basic / Intermediate / Advanced

    Force Pull/Push
    Force Leap

    Breath Control
    Force Body
    Force Listening

    Force Sense
    Battle Meditation

    Cleanse Mind
    Fold Space

    Force Blinding
    Force Light
    Force Cloak
    Mind Trick

    Force Empathy
    Comprehend Speech


    Luric spends much of his time in meditation upon the Living Force. He is always seeking
    wisdom and understanding of the Force, in all that he does. It gives him a unique, almost
    whimsical outlook on life, leading to him posing questions to his fellow Jedi that always
    leave them thinking.

    -Atrisian Swordsman-

    Luric also comes from Atrisian stock, and has trained under his biological mother's
    family and associates on Atrisia to become a master duelist and expert swordsman.
    This has led Luric to excel in most Lightsaber Forms, most notably Makashi and Vaapad.


    Luric has spent quite a bit of time off on his own over his young life, and coupled with
    the fact that his Father was killed in cold blood as an infant and his Mother had left him
    in the care of his Aunts & Uncles, he has always made it paramount that he be able
    to look after himself with no one else's help. Sometimes, the boy is too stubborn to
    accept help, even when he knows he needs it.

    -Loyal To a Fault-

    Luric comes from a very old and powerful family from Naboo, and as such, has always felt
    a responsibility to others. He has always given people the benefit of the doubt, and to those
    who show him loyalty, he reciprocates in kind ten-fold, to the point where he sometimes
    overlooks misdeeds and other transgressions that he normally wouldn't.

  • Lightsaber - Autumn's Light


    Armor - Guardian's Raiment


  • Familial

    - immediate -
    Kintel Ee'everwest [Father, Deceased]
    Ayane Tanaka Ee'everwest [Mother]
    Ardin Paskal [Maternal Half-Brother]

    - extended -
    Alora Ee'everwest Alora Ee'everwest [Aunt]
    Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren [Aunt/Adoptive Mother/Jedi Master]
    Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren [Uncle]
    Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren [Cousin & Best Friend]
    Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren [Cousin]
    Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren [Cousin]
    Breha Sal-Soren [Cousin]

    Artemis Lu Artemis Lu [Childhood Friend & Apprentice]
    Iris Arani Iris Arani [Good Friend & Colleague]
    Aiden Porte Aiden Porte [Friend]
    Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus [Friend]
    Valery Noble Valery Noble [Friend & Advisor]
    Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor [Mentor / Jedi Trainer]
    Judah Lesan Judah Lesan [Mentor / Jedi Trainer]

  • The Warrior's Path, Pt. 1; The Ronin's Return
    Luric reunites with his cousin & best friend,
    Briana Sal-Soren, at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant

    Oh, Right, You Were Coming Over
    Having no place to stay yet, Briana lets Luric
    stay with her, and her roommate Iris. First meeting
    of Iris and Luric, and an interesting one at that!

    Duracrete Jungle [Invasion - BOTM / GA]
    Luric, along with Briana Sal Sore and Aiden Porte,
    find themselves in the thick of it on Metallos. First
    battle with Darth Wallgof.

    Luric finds himself at The Mirage, a high-end
    VIP club on Coruscant, at the behest of Briana.
    Unbeknownst to him, however, Iris is there as well.

    The Way of the Jedi
    Luric finds himself at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant,
    and comes across Master Valery Noble, who seems
    to be training alone.

    A Peaceful Blade
    At the Jedi Temple, Luric finds himself attending
    a Lightsaber-centric class being held by his good
    friend and newly minted Knight, Iris Arani.

    Waterworld Lessons
    Luric finds himself under the oceans of Sedri,
    along with his cousin Briana, Iris, and much to his surprise,
    an old acquaintance in Daisy Masudo.

    To Quiet the Mind & Mend the Soul
    Luric meditates upon the Force,
    when suddenly his mentor, Caltin Vanagor
    appears. Sage advice and training ensue.

    Lightsabers For Dummies [NJO]
    Luric attends a Lightsaber Training class
    conducted by Judah Lesan.

  • Coming Soon!

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