Let it all burn.

“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”-Lux
Name - Lux Luciver
Alias- Luciver, L
Rank - Sith Apprentice (Prince)
Species - Sith Pureblood (Kissai)
Age -17
Gender - Male
Height - 5ft7
Weight - 150lbs
Eyes - Bright Red
Hair - Black
Body Build - Lightweight
Voice: Johnny Yong Bosch
Force Sensitive - Yes

"I put my pain in the paint and put it all on the canvas."-Lux, to his master
The power, the voice, the looks - he seems to have it all. With those deep red eyes that seem to glint up in the near-shadows; blazing mightily at night when the thunderstorm rages over the Rain; those narrowed eyes that capture his people in fright, fear or respect, and undoubtedly hid away his true reaction with that cold glare and facial expression he usually carries whenever he jolts around, no matter where he is at. It is truly terrifying that a man could mask away his own thoughts and expression away with such a abrasive manner. The slight furrow beneath his eyes are at odds with his otherwise youthful appearance. Aside from his constant frown, his expression is calm, and his unflappable demeanor oftentimes makes it difficult to guess what he is thinking.
Surely, as his friends normally state, Lux is aware of his own looks, his handsomeness. It was a factor played along with his position in the hole, enhancing his manipulations, before he had showed his underlying strength, to crush the ones in his path. With his soft cheekbones that are thick and further one narrowing to a rounder chin. As well his silky but pale skin complexion that has been ever like that since he was a little boy. But this might have been affected by the illness he suffered from during the time he was imprisoned. He has straight black hair styled in an undercut and sharp, intimidating eyes. Due to a sickness that is passed down from his family. His skin is much more pale and different compared to other sith, who have red skin. His mother, who had the same condition had pale blueish skin with bright orange hair.
Further on about attires and dressing style, Lux is usually seen with his infamed black jacket and red or t-shirt. The cowl of the jacket is made out of soft material which he likes to nestle himself in time to time. Other than that he is seen with different sort of trousers and t-shirts, but occasionally in his spare time he is seen to be wearing a uniform consisting of a short, light brown jacket with the mark of his family on both shoulders, on the front left pocket and on the center of the back, a light-colored shirt, a dark brown sash around the waist covering the hips, white pants, and dark brown knee-high leather boots. When not wearing this and out on sith business, he wears a all black outfit similar to his first.

"I am a dreamer you see it in my demeanor i'll be this way till the death and take it up with the reaper." - Lux to his superiors
Lux is a very cold, callous, and dispassionate figure, and is rather aloof, brooding, and indifferent, willing to harm both his comrades and enemies should they get in his way. He refers to anyone he does not find interesting as "trash", and treats them as expendable. Despite this, like most of the other top apprentices, he is not particularly violent, and will only fight when provoked or ordered to by his masters. That being said he has an abrasive and unapproachable personality. His manner of speaking is rarely polite, and he often makes alienating comments that are coarse or inappropriate. His dark brand of humor, always delivered in deadpan, ranges from rude to outright vulgar. He tends to phrase things in a brash and insulting manner, and is not above provoking his opponents or belittling anyone who irritates him. This often unsettles people and makes him difficult to be around.
His cold demeanor allows him to stay completely calm and in control in most situations, and he is not easily surprised or caught off-guard. However, he does not seem to comprehend the Human trait of fighting against all odds or the concept of the Human heart; during most battles, despite his abilities and power, opponents continue to fight on regardless of this. Because of this, he, shouting at them out of frustration, tells him "to continue fighting is pointless." Finding it extremely confusing why others fight against all odds when their fate is sealed. His sociopathic nature is the cause of this behavior.
Lux is is also highly perceptive, cunning, and analytical. During most missions, he makes several surprisingly accurate comments on the Humans who confronted them. He theorizes abilities of his opponents, which his master later describes as the rejection of fate, and comments on how others use their abilities. His master calls this 'the eye of truth.' Something that is fitting for him since he is highly intelligent.
Lux, by nature. Is very demanding, even to his masters. Ordering his own superiors to eat a meal he had made so they would not starve in battle, claiming that, for the emperors benefit, it was their "duty" to stay alive. When they hesitated, he threatened to force the food down her throat or strap them to a table and feed them via an IV. This implies that, while he prefers not to dirty his hands, Lux is fully capable of committing truly abhorrent and inhumane actions without feeling any shred of remorse or hesitation. He is also considered somewhat of a rebel, often treating authority with open disrespect and rudeness.

"I want to be strong like you mom, your my hero." -Lux to his mother
Lux was reportedly born and raised in a prison of an unknown planet, a hellish prison that was only darkness and had absolutely no access to sunlight. He came to regard the prison as a home, a place where he learned "the truth about despair." He vaguely claims to have been "born in [darkness]" and created by it and that he didn't "see the light" until he was ten years old. Lux, being raised in a place with no light was strange for him. His mother, who's name was 'Lufia' was in this prison before he was born for treason against the empire. Betraying them for what she believed to be 'true love'. As a result, she was taken to a distant planet and thrown into 'a pit' that went deep underground. It is there Lux spent most of his childhood. Growing up in total darkness with the worse kind of creatures imaginable he was a very timid and easily frightened kid. Often relying on his mother to survive. To afraid to leave his cell alone he spent most of his days playing with his mother and attempting to be a child despite the unspeakable horrors that lied just behind the bars of his cell. His mother, who was a powerful priest with intensive knowledge on sith magic and alchemy, was strong enough to fend for her and her child. She was a rock and his 'beacon' of light.
Lux, by nature. Is very frail and grew up with a sickness that made him physically incapable of many things. Growing up barely able to move he could barely 'live' with the illness that had struck him worse than most could withstand. However, due to sheer willpower and his mothers knowledge of healing. He was able to survive this sickness most of his childhood. His mother, who tried to teach him how to defend himself with standard force abilities often failed miserably. Although Lux was obviously highly force sensitive, he could not tap into certain abilities given his sickness and mental health. However, there was one ability he managed understand despite his young age.
As years passed, and his eyes adjusted to the dark. He eventually gained the ability to see completely in the dark. Given his talent with the shadows, he grew less afraid of what was around him and started to venture out more. And given the brutality of the environment around him he soon became numb to most things and his emotions seemed to flicker. One day, he awoke to screaming. As the child awakened his quickly saw that for once, his mother was not there. Seeing as she had always took her with him, or at least warned him when she was going to leave him alone. The second time he heard the scream he noticed it sounded less like the sound of pleading...but the sound of pure rage. It did not take him long to realize it was his mother who was screaming, and with this realization. He jumped up and ran out into the darkness. Following the sounds of the screaming when he finally found her he witnessed true horror. The woman who had gone through hell to raise a child was being savagely beaten, and taken advantage of right before his very eyes by a couple of what appeared to be Mandolorians. Given the way they spoke. Frozen in horror another quickly came from the other side of him and knocked him to the ground in front of her. Pressing his foot into the back of the boys head as he stared into his mothers eyes as they beat the life out of her. He screamed, cried, and begged them to stop. But it just went on, and on, and on. Until about thirty minutes later...her heart gave out. Probably from the pain or the humiliation of being degraded in front of her child. It was at that moment something inside of Lux snapped...something went horribly wrong. His facial expression, became almost completely blank. And those emotions that where already flickering...disappeared permanently. His inner fire was gone, and with a heart that felt like it had been shattered like glass and shattered again, and again, until it was nothing but dust he let his soul go. He was, unfortunately let go after this. Forced to live with what he had witnessed.
Once the deed was done, the young boy sought to escape the prison he had been confined to his whole life. Devising a plan that took several months to prepare for he managed to not only escape the prison. But destroy it. Using the resources he had at his disposal and using his charismatic mask to gain allies he created a bomb and set it at key points underground. Setting them off all at once it caused a chain reaction and made the earth above the prison collapse in on itself. While most died underneath the rubble, Lux managed to survive by creating a special shelter and having a force sensitive inmate to create a shield around them. This worked and paved the way to freedom for the young lad. As he first stepped into the sunlight he came upon a realization...he hated the light. It was nothing to him but bright and painful and as a result, he stole a pair of black tinted goggles from a dead inmate and forever shielded his eyes from the intense light. All this, at the age of thirteen. Eventually, upon hours of walking the surface. He was found by a young sith padawan. Who took a interest in him and flew him to one of the empires temples, it was there. He spent the remainder of his life and practiced the art of darkness. Although, ever since that day. He was never truly the same. He had had several masters and each of them abandoned him for one of two reason. Reason one being he could not learn any other force ability aside from the one he knew, or because of the fact he was so rebellious and difficult to handle.