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Lya Handheld Holographic Shield Projector

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Zezu Lya

More Machine Than Human



  • Intent: To give Zezu Lya something portable she can use to protect herself and to give Lya Technologies an item in which they can manufacture to make an initial profit.
  • Image Source: First Image: Image taken is a screenshot from Halo 4, published by Microsoft Studios. The screenshot was taken by Jeff Gerstmann at; Second Image: Image taken is a screenshot from Star Wars the Old Republic, developed by Bioware. The screenshot is from
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Lya Technologies
  • Affiliation: Open Market
  • Model: Shield/Holoprojector
  • Modularity: No

  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Typical shield, holoprojector materials, stone, and Ionite
  • Has the appearance of a typically holoprojector but creates a large human-sized hologram in the direction it faces.
  • Small and held-held: Easy for transport.
  • The shield covers most of an average human's body: Large radius of protection
  • Cheaper and easier to manufacture than other shields and holoprojectors
  • Projector is extremely fragile and breakable: Easily broken
  • Low battery power: Runs out of battery easily
  • Only shields one direction: The user can easily be hurt from behind the shield
This is Zezu Lya's first mass-produced item in Lya Technologies. Zezu Lya created it by merging the materials used in a holoprojector and typical shields. Specifically, what the item does is project a 5ft 5in by 4ft shield of moderate strength in front of the person that used the item. The item is meant to give the user easily transported protection that cover's most of the user's body. One good thing that sets it apart from other shields is that it is cheaper and easier to manufacture due to its size. The only faulty aspects about the projector is its breakability, low battery power, and lack of back protection.
Factory Judge
[member="Zezu Lya"],

Hello! I will be your judge for this submission. Lets get things started shall we?

First off, The image credits are explanatory, and this is a minor nit pick, but can you hyperlink the actual page that those images came from? Just so we cover all bases here.

Zezu Lya said:
Material: Typical shield, holoprojector materials, stone, and Ionite
I would like a little bit of information on the Ionite that you have put in here. The only Ionite I know of is a metallic compound that can disable shields. Not create them. Is this a prototype shielding that is resistant to Ionite? Or is it used in a different way that I am not thinking of?

Continuing from my question of the Ionite, how much damage can this shield take before it shuts off, or in other words "Drain the battery?"
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