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Approved Species Lycunai

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  • Designation: Semi intelligent.

  • Origins: Lu'um u K'i'ik'el.

  • Average Lifespan: 60 years.

  • Estimated Population: Planetary.

  • Description: Beasts covered with fur, with long furry tails and wolf like faces on fur covered humanoid bodies with long sharp claws. They normally walk on all fours but are capable of walking upright.


  • Breathes: Type 1

  • Average Height of Adults: 7'10”

  • Average Length of Adults: N/A

  • Skin color: Covered in Fur. Ranging from black to white, depending on region.

  • Fur color: Ranging from black to white, depending on region.

  • Distinctions: The Lycunai are a humanoid wolf like race that lives in nearly every region of Lu'um u K'i'ik'el. They are wild and uncivilized, but they possess some cunning and intelligence that helps them survive. The Lycunai are pack oriented with very few lone wolves among them. Besides the K'i'ik'el, the Lycunai are the dominant predators on the planet, capable of taking down even larger beasts with their pack tactics.

  • Races: Wild. Tamed. Half-breed.

  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive.


  • Bestial strength: On their own, a Lycunai is exceedingly strong and fast, about as strong fast as a K'i'ik'el.

  • Pack Power: They use pack tactics to great effect. Able to take down even the toughest prey.

  • Predatory Will: The Lycunai, like the K'i'ik'el, have an enhanced ability to heal.

  • Predators Vision: They have animalistic senses which apply to their sense of smell, sight, and hearing. The Lycunai would use these senses to hunt by blood. They can smell blood, see blood, hear blood, and track it to its source.

  • The Full Moon: When the moon is high and full, that is when the powers of the Lycunai fully awaken.

  • Savage Gift: All Lycunai possess claws and fangs that are as strong as the individual. The fangs are designed to slide into flesh and aid in tearing flesh from bone. The claws were designed for climbing and for gutting their prey, but were mostly meant to have effect on other Lycunai and is the traditional weapon of choice whenever a Lycunai is challenged. It is another one of the only weapons that can bypass the Predatory will. And also a weapon that can bypass the healing powers of the K'i'ik'el.

  • All the Lycunai are especially vulnerable to Silver weapons as the material acts like poison to their blood and removes their ability to heal. While any weapon pierced through their heart can kill a Lycunai, one would need a silver or light side weapon to completely bypass the Predatory Will.

  • Weapons imbued by a light force nexus can light the Lycunai on fire on contact.

  • The removal of their head is also a way to bypass the healing.

  • The Claws of the Lycunai are deadly, but more so to other Lycunai as it bypasses their healing factor.


  • Diet: Carnivore.

    Meat. Raw and cooked.

Communication: They can communicate to each other through barks, yips and howls.

Technology level: Primitive

Religion/Beliefs: The Pack is life.

General behavior:

  • The pack is their family, an Alpha male governs the others and decides if the other males are allowed to mate.

  • They value strength and survival, those who cannot survive are left behind.

  • Their young are raised in the wild, being taught early how to hunt and kill.

  • They have an annual mating season, during which the Lycunai would “sing” to a prospective mate. If the male is not challenged and the female accepts, then they go and mate.

  • They see other races and creatures as invaders and prey that must be killed whenever they intrude on their territories.

  • The Lycunai are diurnal, but they prefer to hunt at night where they can turn practically invisible in the forests.

The Lycunai are believed to be the devolved remnants of the first race on this planet. They are native people who's ancestors survived the super weapon and kept their race alive, but through exposure to the dark side have changed into beasts covered with fur, with long furry tails and wolf like faces on fur covered humanoid bodies with long sharp claws and strength and speed almost equal to the K'i'ik'el.

The K'i'ik'el sometimes capture and tame these monsters and use them as guard dogs. but in spite of their bestial instincts, strength and tamable nature they possess a keen intelligence, able to figure out complex puzzles and devise cunning strategies to bring down their prey.

The Lycunai are sensitive to the phases and seasons of the moon. When the moon waxes, their power waxes. When the moon wanes, their power wanes.

Due to experimentation with breeding the Lycunai with humans, the K'i'ik'el have managed to create a half-breed that can switch from human form to beast form when the moon is visable, or when they become emotionally unstable.
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