Ayden Cater
Grumpy Goat

Image Source: Here
Intent: To create for Ayden a signature weapon
Development Thread: More Than a Weapon, More Than a Life
- Ayden Cater
- Rave Merrill
Affiliation: Ayden Cater
Production: Unique
Material: Crystal
Classification: Sword
Size: One-Handed (Bastard Sword)
Length: 1.45 meters
Weight: 2.5 kg
Special Features:
- Full Lightsaber Resistance (Canon)
- High Cutting Power (Canon)
- Exceptional Durability (Canon)
- Absorbs Force Lightning (Canon)
- Force Amplification (Canon)
- Nullified by Ysalamir (Canon)
- Potentially sentient
- Potentially a Talisman of Ensnarement
At first glance, Lymmahtun appears a simple crystalline sword. Refined by Ayden himself and shaped by master alchemist Rave Merrill, the sword's appearance is flawless and near glass-like. Only a faint glow within signifies the possibility that the sword is more than simple crystal. The second sign of this lie in its weight; the sword is unnaturally heavy for its size. This is due to the process that made the weapon, condensing it down from a much larger size to give it a preternatural edge and weight. These two facts alone would make the sword extremely valuable, but they are only surface traits of a much larger piece of alchemical work.
Crafted in the Dark Forge of Aza'zoth, hidden away by Rave Merrill, the sword is an immensely powerful Force Artifact. Many aspects of the weapon, such as its resistance to lightsabers and fine edge, are common of alchemical swords. For a blade made by a master craftswoman in a master forge, the blade takes on other strengths. It absorbs and stores Force Lighting within itself until striking a solid object, at which point the Lightning is discharged, often to devastating effect. It amplifies the user's power and control many times beyond what they would be capable of naturally, to the point of being considered a veritable walking Force Nexus.
The blade carries no aura within the Force, a product of Rave's master craftsmanship.
Despite these strengths, the blade is not at all without weakness. First among them is a vulnerability to ysalamir bubbles. Within such a field, the blade loses all but the most common attributes of an alchemical blade, retaining only its sharpness and resistance to lightsabers. Like a person, the sword takes time to return to full strength once leaving the field, determined by the duration it was subsumed in the field.
Great danger is posed to the user if they draw too deeply on the Force with the blade. Unlike other artifacts, the sword was made without any limiting factor. While this affords it incredible power, it is potentially fatal weakness. If the user attempts to draw too much, too continuously from the blade, they risk rebounding effects. This can range from an attempted power effect from not materializing, to a Force backlash, a temporary numbing to the Force, all the way to outright severing of the Force or death. Exactly when this occurs is unpredictable; it could happen after only a short use or might not occur for days of constant use. As well, the exact effect is equally unpredictable. Thus, great caution must be taken when utilizing this aspect of the blade.
Another attribute of the blade, for better or worse, is an apparent sentience to the weapon. Perhaps a result of being forged by a forge thought sentient itself, the blade does not always act in a particular or desired manner. This can range from a guiding hand to outright refusal to act. As well, as an artifact of the Forge of Aza'zoth, the blade has the potential to act as a Talisman of Ensnarement, though this ability remains unconfirmed and unknown to Ayden. Whether Rave could confirm or deny this attribute is unknown.