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Lyna Moridena

Cedric Dorn

NAME: Lyna Moridena
AGE: 21
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'8''
WEIGHT: 147lbs
EYES: Gray
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+]Martial Arts: As a former Kiffu Guardian Lyna was expertly trained in the use of several close range combat methods including the use of weapons such as Stun Batons, quarter staffs, and similar weaponry. When she was with the guardians Lyna was well known for using a Garrote razor wire in the midst of combat to trap and slice apart enemies bit by bit, something that required expert precision. Though her favored weapon was a quarterstaff.
[+]Scout: Before she left the Guardians Lyna was trained as an expert scout. Due to her lithe form, and penchant for being sneaky Lyna found herself in the perfect niche of reconnaissance. Her unique ability to track enemy forces whether large or small and her uncanny ability to hide made her the perfect scout. The Guardians taught her to further develop these skills and by the time Lyna left the organization she was regarded as one of the best in The Guardians.
[+]Marksmen: When Lyna was first joined The Guardians she obviously went through blaster rife training, although she showed no great talent in the use of most blasters her need to master the skill in order to become a better Scout and Soldier became quickly apparent. She worked day and night to master her use of blasters and slug throwers, practicing at the range often and seeking tutelage from older members of the Guardians. Eventually Lyna managed to become quite skilled with both pistols, and sniper rifles, her preferred weapons being an ancient almost pieced together WESTER-34 and a BH-21 Particle Beam Rifle.
[-]Shoulder: During her time as a scout in the Kiffu Guardians Lyna fell into a scrap with a massive energy spider. As she was scouting out tunnels beneath the surface of the planet searching for a runaway criminal Lyna ran into one of the not so kind creatures that now roams the underside of Kiffu. After a quick scrap and a fight Lyna managed to kill the creature, but not before dislocating her arm severely. Now because of this one time injury Lyna's left shoulder has a habit of popping out of place when too much pressure is applied. This is obviously painful and inhibits the movement of her arm severely until it Is popped back into place.
[-]Inferiority Complex: All her life Lyna has been looking up to her older sister Diana. She has been told time and time again by her parents that Diana was a Jedi, a warrior for good and justice and everything that was right in the galaxy. This from a young age made Lyna feel quite inadequate, compared to the paragon that her sister was she felt utterly worthless. This was only extenuated when Diana first came home and presented herself as not only a Jedi, but a Master of the Order. Because of who her sister is Lyna constantly strives to do everything she can to seem “worthy” this leads to her taking risks she doesn't need to, taking actions that are foolish, and generally being an idiot at times.
[-]Psychometry: Unlike Diana, and many other Kiffar in the greater galaxy, Lyna lacks the inherent gift of psychometry. She cannot see the past memories of objects or places, and thus is lacking the one thing that would make her the absolute perfect scout.
[-]Judgmental: Lyna was brought up in a culture against criminals. Kiffu's moon Kiffex is a prison colony, and because of Lyna's close role with the Kiffu Guardians Lyna grew up very close minded. To her, anyone that looks like a criminal, is a criminal. She's extremely judgmental of those she perceives as criminals and tends to be extremely harsh towards them, often acting against them violently.

Lyna looks extremely similar to her older sister Diana. She has the same flowing red hair, the same bone structure, and generally the same build as Diana. The only notable difference between the two of them is that Lyna is slightly taller than her sister, the other difference is the color of their eyes. Whereas Diana inherited the unique Orange eye color of their ancient ancestor Moridin, Lyna has simple gray eyes to match those of her mothers familial line.

Lyna's history is not quite as succinct and simple as Diana's was. Unlike her sister, Lyna was born with absolutely no force potential what so ever, and thus no Jedi ever came to take her from Kiffu.

She was born exactly five years after her older sister Diana, two years after her sister was taken by the Jedi Order. Lyna's first few years were like any other childs. Her parents cared for her, loved her, and made sure everything she needed was provided for. Her parents were of course not rich, but Lyna had a comfortable childhood. From early on she learned of her sister, the child her parents had given up that was to be a Jedi.

Lyna spent most of her childhood imagining fanciful adventures and glorious fun with her older sister the Jedi. Always imagining, always thinking about what the other woman must have been like.

This was how she grew up, inspired by her mysterious older sister. She pushed herself to become better and stronger, training herself from an early age to be like her older sister. At the age of 16 Lyna successfully petitioned the tribes to join the Kiffu Guardians. She became the youngest member of the guards, due to her age she was not suitable for combat missions or guard duty, and instead Lyna was thrust into a training regimen unlike anything the Guards had previously tried. The young girl trained for over two years, mastering the use of blasters, knives, and the use of her trademark stealth. Her training was intense, long, and grueling, but she endured.

Thoughts of her sister drove her forward, pushing her to be at her best.

Lyna graduated, and was immediately thrust into the Scout section of the Kiffu Guardians. There she excelled, exploring lands of Kiffu and Kiffex and mapping out large swaths of land, checking for anyone or anything that might threaten her homeworld.

Three months after being put into duty, Lyna met her sister for the very first time. When Diana came home to visit her parents on Kiffu she received the surprise of her sister, already a Jedi Master, Diana sparked a drive in Lyna, a drive to do better, to be stronger, and to make her parents proud. She was not jealous, but she could feel the pride Diana invoked in their parents, and she hunted after the same feeling.

On a more personal level, Diana and Lyna got along as two sisters who had not spoken in 19 years should. Things between them were awkward, strange, and due to Diana's work with the Order, distant. The two loved one another however, and Diana taught Lyna many things, including how to defend herself against Sith...or Jedi.

The Next few years rushed by in a blur. Visits from Diana happened every so often, and the two grew as close as they could. Lyna grew to be the Master Scout of the Kiffu Guardians, her skill unmatched even by seasoned veterans. She earned the respect of her peers, and the pride of her parents.

Then, one day came the news.

Diana had been slain on the fields of Dromund Kaas. The details were foggy, information was few and far in between, but what was clear was that Diana had died repelling the Sith from their own homeworld.

Unable to control her anger and her rage Lyna threw a fit, breaking her rooms within the Guardians citadel, tearing apart anything and everything she could find until nothing was left but bits of broken wood and shredded paper.

In her huff, Lyna quit the Kiffu Guardians, ending her seven year tenure with the organization citing health reasons.

Going to her parents, Lyna told them of her intentions, to hunt and kill every Sith that was on Dromund Kaas that day. Knowing they could not control the actions of their daughter, Lyna's parents bade her to be careful, giving her the sum of their life savings and sending her off on her own.

Lyna went out into the galaxy, searching for those who kill her sister.


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