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Approved NPC Lynette Black

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  • Intent: To create a puppet CEO for a new company, Guardian Inc.
  • Image Credit: dr-grizscald
  • Role: Close friend and puppet CEO of Brae
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: 24
  • Force Sensitivity: none
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance:
Lynette Black stands straight-backed at 6 feet, or 1.8 meters tall. She is always well dressed and carries an encrypted datapad in her hands and communicator in her ear, constantly working and coordinating deals between Guardian Inc. and potential employers. Her well manicured brown hair is usually in some simple but worked on style, and her green eyes seem bored and uninterested most of the time.

  • Name: Lynette Black, Or Lynette Theyiri
  • Loyalties: APEX Technologies, Brae, House Theyiri
  • Wealth: Rich, she's well paid by Brae and keeps 15% of all profits from Guardian Inc.
  • Notable Possessions: Encrypted Datapad with the highest encryptions known to the galaxy.
  • Skills: Bartering, Legal Arrangements, Legal Cases, Negotiating.
  • Personality: Lynette is not the typical upper class of Coruscant, she does not throw elaborate parties or dress in the most recent expensive trends, instead she is far more practical. She enjoys a fine glass of wine and certainly doesn't wear anything cheap, yet she is conservative with her money. This reflects her calculating nature, always guessing and preparing for what is ahead. She usually comes across as quite stern and cold, but years in law school and the work she's in will do that to a person.
  • Weapon of Choice: None, she certainly isn't a fighter and has no idea how to use weapons, usually relying on a security escort.
  • Combat Function: N/A

Lynette was originally going to be a lawyer, even graduating a from a university at only the age of 17. Her family was old Corsucanti blood, and her father, and her grandfather, and her grandfather's father, and as far back had all been lawyers, judges, and other members of Court. So from as soon as she could read she was being groomed into being the perfect diplomat and lawyer. Being able to negotiate and persuade became second nature to her, and she got in trouble dozens of times in the private schools, convincing other students to commit petty crimes but in such a way that they could never be traced back to her.

However, her father was discovered to be practicing partiality in court, and even manipulating cases and bribing police officers, and was deposed from his seat from Judge, leaving the Black family scorned and jobless. Their money quickly ran out as her father continued to lie about his job situation until finally, Lynette struck out for her own. Her skills became uniquely applicable to negotiating deals between mercenaries and employers, soon becoming one of the most renowned Operators in Coruscant, linking petty mercenaries to personal security groups or less savory deals.

It was during this time she met Brae, and the two of them found a bond based off of the problems of their ancestors, as well as complimenting personalities. Yet she never progressed as quickly as Brae, so when Brae approached her to take up a position in an upcoming company, she could hardly resist. After formally accepting the position, she also joined Brae's upcoming Chiss House, House Theyiri, as one of its few members.
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