Lynx Vhette
Lynx has always been known for his solid as stone traditional attitudes and obligation to his Mand'alor as well his caring approach to his aliit and fellow Mando'ade. Lynx prizes his family above all things, their welfare and safety are paramount next to his duties as a Mandalorian Knight. However much he cares for his family he does not neglect his duties to his people and culture, he is renowned for his ironclad loyalty and sense of duty to the reigning Mand'alor with only one exception. Though quite contradictory to Mandalorian culture as a whole Lynx does not have a violent and aggressive personality, his darker and confrontational persona is drawn out when he or his family is threatened. Lynx has fought in many wars in his time, all of which have effected his personality.
- Basic Information
[-] Planet of Origin: Shogun, Quence Sector, Out Rim Territories.
[-] Species: Human.
[-] Gender: Male.
[-] Age: 36.
[-] Midichlorian Count : 12476 per cell.
- Appearance Information
[-] Height: 6 ft.
[-] Weight: 182kg.
[-] Hair Colour: Dark Brown.
[-] Eye Colour: Light Hazel.
[-] Skin Tone: Tanned.
- Allegiance Information
[-] Current Faction: The Mandalorian Knights.
[-] Aligned To: The Mandalorians.
[-] Headquarters: Shogun system.
[-] Force Allignment: The Light Side of the Force
Character Transfer Details
http://w11.zetaboard.../intswrp/index/ - This is the character that I am transferring from. Intswrp is a community that comes from the chatroom Habbo hotel, and engages in real time roleplay between characters, from which mine originates from the client. However, it has forum roleplay aspects to it and the majority of my biological history for comes from the forum roleplay that I have engaged on the above website.
Lynx's known abilities and equipment (awaiting approval)
- Multilingual (Galactic Basic Standard, Mando'a, Huttese, Binary, Corellian, Concordian)
- Expert Engineer and Star Pilot
- Mastery in CQC, firearms and miscellaneous exotic weaponry
- Master blacksmith
- Mastery of Stava
- Masterful naval commander
- Natural leadership
- Expertise in Gand Rao, Hijkata, Teräs Käsi, K'tara, K'thri and Jakelian
- Skilled Shii-Cho & Makashi practitioner.
- Adept Force Practitioner, Light Sided, Jedi Knight level abilities.
- He posses a Green Lightsaber of which the hilt is made of Beskar/Mandalorian Iron
- A Mandalorian Ripper Revolver Pistol
- A full set of Beskar'vencuyot (Legacy Era Mandalorian Armour) made obviously from Mandalorian Iron as well as a brown Jedi Hood.
- He owns a unmodified Firespray-31 Class Patrol Ship called 'Buurenaar'