Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lyzia Hudna


NAME: Lyzia Hudna


RANK: Colonoial Leader of Straxda

SPECIES: Soltaran

AGE: 27

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5'10"

WEIGHT: 135 ilbs

EYES: Blue

HAIR: None

SKIN: Green



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+Skilled leader

+Expert hunter and sword fighter

-Suffers same weaknesses as all Soltarans, which includes being extremely weak in very cold weather and too much salt or sugar being poisonous

-Not use to cultures outside of her own

Being an average looking Soltaran, Lyzia has green scaley skin all over her body with small sails on the top and sides. She wears the more traditional atrie of a leader, that being similar to older looking dresses. Her prefered color is dark purple. She also carries her family sword around as well.


Lyzia was born the oldest of three daughters in her family. Her nameing was given when, during her time still being born into her mother's womb, she could constanlty kick. When she was born her parents had called her "Lyzia" which in Soltaran tounge meant "Strong". So was she given her first name. In fact she lived up to it as she began to persue the life of a soldier much like her father did. It wasn't until she was 10 years old and, after her other sisters were born, Lyzia proved to be a strong protector as well. This granted her the second name of "Hudna" meaning "Mother".

Over the years Lyzia proved herself a dedicated and loyal warrior, in both fire arms and with swords. As such when she became 23 she was eligable to be granted the request of Colonial Leader. At the time she was reluctant to accept the role, being that she felt it was too great, but with the death of the latest leader and her colony in need of stronger guidance, Lyzia put her name foward. Out of the 10 canidates she came in second to a male known as Shudo Creto. However he proved to be a failed leader when his actions casued the death of several elite Soltarans in the contruction of a new military base in the nearby forzen regions.

With Creto impeached from his position Lyzia took over and had proven to be a more competant leader than her predecessor. Now she rules with her people and stands ready for whatever new trial may come for her planet.






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