Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Ranged Weapon M-14 Assault/Mid-Range Sniper Rifle

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Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd.
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average
The only easy day was yesterday.

  • Intent: To offer an alternative to the effective SMR
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: My Subs
  • Primary Source: None
  • Classification: Blaster Rifle
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: powercells
  • Ammunition Capacity: Large
  • Effective Range: Long Range
  • Rate of Fire: Average (3 shot bursts)
  • Damage Output: High
  • Recoil: Average
  • 3 different types of sites, standard, laser, and thermal
  • Telescoping barrel to switch from Close Quarters combat to long range (Sniper)
  • Same barrel as "SMR" rifle for increased damage output.
  • Detachable Underbarrel Vertical grip.
  • Detachable Underbarrel positional lamp(flashlight)
  • Detachable Underbarrel BiPod
  • MULTI-PURPOSE: Can be used for both Close Quarters and Longe Range (sniper) fire.
  • FAIRLY COMPACT: Not as large and bulky as dedicated sniper rifles, allowing for efficient movement and not carrying an extra weapon unnecessarily
  • STILL A SNIPER RIFLE: It may be more compact, but it is still a sniper rifle and does not have the movement an assault rifle allows.
Tired of having his team's hands proverbially tied, Aien began using every authorization he could give, use every advantage that his position, and can muster, and every connection he could call in to begin untying them. The Ronto, the armor, The FIST, this is in a long line. This is a designed weapon for "Michael" and "Sauriel" the snipers on the team. While every member of the team could use the rifle(and probably would if asked), it is meant to minimize the sniper's loadout and allow them to carry one rifle for combat movement and long-range fire. It is not a perfect weapon, but will more than get the job done for a team that needs better weapons than the ones that they currently have.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To offer an alternative to the effective SMR
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Model: M-14
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Burst Fire
Material: Durasteel, blaster components.
Ammunition Type: Powercell
Ammunition Capacity: Large
Damage Output: High
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Assault Rifle
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