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Approved Tech M-37 "Bwatha" Heavy Rifle

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Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one

Intent: To create a powerful, heavy blaster-type weapon for use in the Mandalorian armed forces.
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Mythosaur Customs and Arms
Model: M-Series Weapon
Affiliation: Mandalorian Space; Various
Modularity: None
Production: Minor
Material: Plasteel, Quadanium
Description: Designed for use against heavily armored droids and personel, the A-37 "Bwatha" heavy rifle takes its name from a vicious beast known to live in the swamps of Dagobah. Heavy and thick, this mostly Quandanium weapon packs a heavy punch, its power coming from the Tibanna gas canisters within the bulky stock.

A semi-automatic weapon, the A-37 is obviously, slow firing and only shoots at a maximum of 250 Meters, half the distance of many other rifles. Though the Mandalorians have a reliable weapon in the form of the Jair Sonic Rifle, this weapon sees particular use in strike teams, often replacing a "Heavy" gunner.

Classification: Blaster
Size: Handheld
  • Power Pack Variant Legal Outside of OP and Republic Space For Civilians
  • Tibanna Gas Variant Mandalorian Burikan and armed forces
Length: 30.5 Cm
Weight: 11 Kilograms
Ammunition Type: Tibana Gas Caniste
Ammunition Capacity: 120 Shots
Effective Range: 250 Meters
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