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Approved Ranged Weapon M.I. Model 108 Seismic Cannon

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Manufacturer: Maji Ironworks
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Very Heavy
Size: Very Large


  • Intent: Create powerful ship cannon
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: Seismic charge
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A


  • Classification: Seismic cannon
  • Size: Very Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Collapsium gas, power generator
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average
  • Effective Range: Extreme
  • Rate of Fire: Average
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: Low


  • Devastation: Using collapsium gas as ammunition, the Model 108 can fire a deadly beam that causes an extremely deadly shockwave upon contact with a target.
  • Singular: Every cannon is one complete unit, housing all components with optimized design for usage in turrets.
  • Compatible: The cannon is very easy to link up and connect with virtually any targeting and scanning system, whether it be manual or automatic. It can also be easily deployed as a gun emplacement.
  • Durable: Made from incredibly durable materials, and featuring an integrated shield generator, each cannon is very difficult to disable.

  • Size: The weapon is massive, limiting its usage to large capital ships.
  • Ammunition: For the weapon to work at full potential, special gas needs to be used, otherwise the weapon works merely as a very big turbolaser cannon.
  • Shield: Due to the size of the gun, the integrated deflector shield has its molecular shielding function disabled.
  • Target: The cannon is unable to detonate a shot prematurely, requiring it to hit its targets in order to do any damage.

An immensely powerful and highly experimental weapon, the Model 108 Seismic cannon fires a bright blue beam which, upon contact with any surface, results in an incredibly powerful shockwave resembling an upscaled seismic charge. Due to the type of ammunition used, the weapon’s beam sucks any sound out of the immediate vicinity upon contact before exploding, resulting in the trademark boom.

The weapon is incredibly large and expensive to produce, resulting in very few numbers and an incredibly high cost to acquire. But the trade off is a sturdy weapon with its own deflector shield, making it a very difficult target to disable.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create powerful ship cannon
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Maji Ironworks
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Extreme
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Material: Impervium, Duranium, Durasteel, Dallorian alloy, various other materials.
Ammunition Type: Collapsium gas, power generator
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: Extreme
Recoil: Low
Ranged Class: Other
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