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Approved Ranged Weapon M.I. Model 48 Heavy Quad-Laser Cannon

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Manufacturer: Maji Ironworks
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large



  • Manufacturer: Maji Ironworks
  • Affiliation: Maji Ironworks
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: M.I. Model 48 Heavy Quad-Laser Cannon
  • Modularity: Highly modular
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Impervium, Duranium, Durasteel, various other materials.

  • Classification: Heavy quad-laser cannon
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Tibanna gas, power generator
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average
  • Effective Range: Long Range
  • Rate of Fire: High
  • Damage Output: High
  • Recoil: High

  • Amplifying chambers with toggle to turn cannon bolts into particle bolts
  • autosteady gyro-gimbal integrated into turret
  • Targeting computer, rangefinder and tracking system integrated into cannon
  • Connecting point for power generators
  • Smartgunner chip for remote usage and compatibility with various targeting systems.
  • Available as fixed weapons or versatile turrets

  • Versatile: The Model 48 can be used as either a point defense turret on larger ships, or the main armament on smaller freighters and potentially some starfighters
  • Targeting: With a high rate of fire and solid punch, as well as two different firing modes, the cannon can be used to either shoot down fighters, ordnance, or damage larger ships
  • Compatible: The turret is very easy to link up and connect with virtually any targeting and scanning system, whether it be manual or automatic. It can also be easily deployed as a gun emplacement.
  • Cheap: With simple materials, basic programming and universal systems, the cannon is cheap and very easy to produce.

  • Recoil: The cannon generates a lot of recoil, potentially throwing off accuracy close to the end of its effective range
  • Big: Due to the size, it is not suitable for small, compact starfighters and potentially limits space on small freighters
  • Overheat: As a point defense cannon, the cannon could overheat when firing constantly
  • Better in numbers: Alone, the weapon is decent, but it performs much better when used in pairs or clusters

The Model 48 heavy quad-laser cannon was conceived in a project of Maji Ironworks to catch up with lacking products, as well as to establish itself as an independent organization. Designed to work on anything and everything, the Model 48 is an effective weapon for offense and defense on any ship that can support its size and weight.

Another highlight is its attractive price and simplicity in maintenance. Simple systems, basic parts, sturdy design, the quad-cannon is meant to provide its owners with peace of mind and confidence as they journey through the dangerous, big galaxy.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create versatile ship cannon
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Maji Ironworks
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Automatic
Material: Impervium, Duranium, Durasteel, various other materials.
Ammunition Type: Tibanna gas, power generator
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: High
Recoil: High
Ranged Class: Other
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