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Approved Ranged Weapon M.I. Model 50-series Turbolaser Cannons

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Manufacturer: Maji Ironworks
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large


  • Intent: Create a series of turbolaser cannons
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: Turbolaser
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Manufacturer: Maji Ironworks
  • Affiliation: Maji Ironworks
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: M.I. Model 50-series Turbolaser Cannons
  • Modularity: Highly modular
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Impervium, Duranium, Durasteel, various other materials.

  • Model 52 Light Turbolaser Cannon
    • Classification: Light turbolaser cannon
    • Size: Large
    • Weight: Heavy
    • Ammunition Type: Tibanna gas, power generator
    • Ammunition Capacity: Average
    • Effective Range: Average
    • Rate of Fire: High
    • Damage Output: High
    • Recoil: Average
  • Model 54 Medium Turbolaser Cannon
    • Classification: Medium turbolaser cannon
    • Size: Large
    • Weight: Heavy
    • Ammunition Type: Tibanna gas, power generator
    • Ammunition Capacity: Average
    • Effective Range: Long Range
    • Rate of Fire: Average
    • Damage Output: Very High
    • Recoil: High
  • Model 56 Heavy Turbolaser Cannon
    • Classification: Heavy turbolaser cannon
    • Size: Large
    • Weight: Heavy
    • Ammunition Type: Tibanna gas, power generator
    • Ammunition Capacity: Average
    • Effective Range: Battlefield
    • Rate of Fire: Average
    • Damage Output: Very High
    • Recoil: Very High

  • Amplifying chambers with toggle to turn cannon bolts into particle bolts
  • autosteady gyro-gimbal integrated into gun
  • Targeting computer, rangefinder and tracking system integrated into cannon
  • Compatibility with any other targeting and scanning systems.
  • Connecting point for power generators
  • Smartgunner chip for remote usage and compatibility with various targeting systems.
  • Available as fixed weapons or versatile turrets

  • Singular: Every cannon is one complete unit, housing all components with optimized design for usage in turrets
  • Power: Each model gets stronger with the heavy cannon being an absolute beast, capable of dealing enormous amounts of damage
  • Optimized: The cannons are specifically made to be compatible with almost any targeting system and mechanisms.
  • Particle: Every cannon has the ability to fire particle bolts, quickly turning already dangerous weapons into a series of artillery guns.

  • Huge: Naturally, turbolaser cannons aren’t meant for small vehicles, so great care needs to be taken when attempting to use them in compact configurations
  • Power: Each gun uses up ludicrous amounts of power to operate, increasing with each unit linked up to another in a turret configuration.
  • Recoil: The stronger the model gets, the higher the recoil. Serious damage can occur if this is not properly taken into account.
  • Speed: The cannons are slow to operate, making them more suitable for flak cannons and indirect fire support than direct point defense guns.

Another installment of the Maji Ironworks modernisation program, the Model 50-series of turbolaser cannons continue with the concept of a fully contained unit sharing parts across an entire series, going so far as to even borrow several parts of the Model 40-series of laser cannons.

As one might expect, the turbolasers pack a punch. And with each one capable of firing particle rounds, each cannon is a very powerful artillery device as well. However these weapons are big, not meant for usage in small vehicles, and their power consumption demands very powerful generators and high quantities of tibanna gas to operate.

But despite the flaws, one can never go wrong with a few big guns in any situation.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a series of turbolaser cannons
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Maji Ironworks
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Battlefield
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
Material: Impervium, Duranium, Durasteel, various other materials.
Ammunition Type: Tibanna gas, power generator
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: Very High
Ranged Class: Other
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