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Approved Tech M.I. Model AVZ Shield Buster

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  • Intent: To construct ship or vehicle-mounted weapon capable of partially or completely collapsing a deflector (or other energy-vulnerable material) shield, most notably when used to shield large bodies.
  • Image Source: Alexiuss, DeviantArt
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: Maji Ironworks
  • Primary Source: Ion Cannon, Mega-Ion Cannon


  • Classification: Ion/EMP
  • Size: Very Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Power Core
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average
  • Effective Range: Extreme
  • Rate of Fire: Very Low
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: Average

  • Planetary Shield Penetration
  • Thermally Stable Construction
  • Prolonged, Sustained Fire

  • Huff 'n Puff - This Shield Buster generates a sustained beam of ionized particles to create a gap in a solid shell, punch through a segmented shield grid, or overload the generators sustaining the shield. All components are designed to withstand the thermal rigors associated with its discharge.

  • Foot in the Door - Once the beam penetrates the planetary shield the beam can remain engaged to make it extremely difficult to close the gap or re-establish the shield in the area surrounding the beam. The beam can be sustained for an extended period of time, provided the energy source holds out.

  • Ruining Someone's Day - Due to the sheer amount of power involved the Shield Buster's ionized particle beam is able to fire across extremely long distances, which is often necessary anyway when orbiting planetary bodies.

  • The Independent - Do not fly your starfighter with a bomb on board up to the end of the emitter when it’s about to discharge hoping it’ll cause a chain reaction that blows up the ship. It won’t work and you’ll lose a pretty starfighter and its payload as it is instantly vaporized.

  • Spin Up - The particle generators require time to accumulate sufficient energy to form the initial blast.

  • Cool Down - Once a beam is disengaged there is an extended period of time needed for the generators and emitters to cool down, and then Spin Up again. This is necessary to avoid thermal damage (rapid cooling and heating) that may endanger the weapon or the vessel it is mounted to.

  • Power Hungry - Due to the sheer amount of power necessary to sustain such a beam, the vessel it is mounted to may lack the power needed to navigate or generate its own shields (various Engineers may account for the massive power draw differently). An effective point-defense or escort is advised by the manufacturer.

  • Astronomically Speaking - The weapon can be fired well outside of orbit at a planetary shield; however, the further out you are the greater the mathematical variables and need for accuracy become. If the weapon is even slightly out of alignment at an extreme range the target -- even a planet -- could be missed.

  • There’s a Planet There - The Shield Buster particle beam can be sustained for a prolonged period of time even after part or all of the shield has collapsed; coupled with the extended range of the highly charged particle beam it should be noted somewhere on the planet is going to get baked and/or flattened. The manufacturer recommends an uninhabited area if possible -- or an enemy base if you feel like shooting a dime-sized target.

  • BIG Bad Wolf - Sadly, you can’t fit these on every starfighter or freighter and bombard a planet with Shield Buster beams. Then again, you don't need to; but at least the galaxy won't be set on fire.

Introducing the M.I. Model AVZ Shield Buster! A sustained beam of highly ionized particles designed to pound - pound - pound! on that planet’s door until either it opens or you do your best ‘Heeere’s Sidious!’ impression. Whether you punch a hole in it to let some transports down, or you collapse their entire shield -- depends on the nature of their shield technology -- you’ll get to go meet your new friends face-to-face as you were always meant to. Building bridges, not fences, am I right?

The Shield Buster is collaboratively designed and built by Maji Ironworks and Wanderlust Wares. This weapon is designed to be fitted to a large vessel that parks in orbit and drills a hole through the enemy planetary shield so transports can ferry down troops. There’s a strong chance the ship housing and feeding this weapon will in turn become a stationary target, so point-defense and a good escort of other vessels will be needed to keep the enemy from blowing the ship up before it punches a hole in their defense.

It takes a little time to charge up, time to drill through, and then if the beam is somehow interrupted it’ll take even more time to cool down to spin back up again. All in all, it provides a means to remove a seemingly impenetrable defensive option (without stretching narratively to explain how you already have troops through said defense perimeter) to allow for ground-based action during an invasion while providing opportunity for tension and not acting as a one-post ‘your shield is down’ option.

Plus the particle beam is pretty and who doesn’t like pretty space lasers?
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Alora Vizsla Alora Vizsla

Very powerful and interesting weapon!
  • The Maji Ironworks is not your company, you can't use it without Shai Krayt's permission. So please ask this, or delete from the Manufacturer.
  • And please add proper intent, the current one is not an intent, but the name of the submission.
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