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Approved Tech M.I. Scan-Jam Package

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Manufacturer: Maji Ironworks
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Light
Size: Small


  • Intent: Create scanners and jammers
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: Scanner, jammer, sensor.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Manufacturer: Maji Ironworks
  • Affiliation: Maji Ironworks
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: M.I. Scan-Jam Package.
  • Modularity: Highly Modular
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Impervium, Duranium, Durasteel, plastoid, various other materials and electrical components.


  • Universal: With a variety of scanners and sensors, the SJP is designed to fulfill a variety of civilian and military roles.
  • Size: The tech can be scaled up or down, allowing it to be used in vehicles, starships, or planetary systems.
  • Jammer: Alongside all of the sensors and scanners, the SJP also has systems in place to jam other comms and systems.
  • Stealth: With both niche and large scale systems in place, the package can potentially detect stealth devices as well as other hidden oddities.

  • Vehicles: Due to the power needed to run the package, the system is unsuitable for personal usage without the aid of a power generator of some kind.
  • Conventional: Just like any other systems, the SJP can be foiled if countered properly.
  • Stealth: Some devices can potentially remain hidden despite the SJP’s wide array of systems.
  • Ordnance: Some jamming systems might be able to be used as countermeasures, but it is not a dedicated system meant to counter attacks.

Designed to be simple and reliable, the Scan-Jam Package is a universal scanner, sensor, and jammer suite meant to be used in vehicles and large installations. With a wide array of systems all integrated into one, the SJP can work as a civilian scanner for roles such as rescue, mining, and medical operations. But it can also easily be hooked up to a fire control- and comms system of a military vehicle to create a powerful blanket of security.

The system can also be expanded with internal sensors as well, allowing the users to keep an eye on the systems, crew and security of their own vehicles. It also features a degree of jamming capabilities to help out with countermeasures and keeping a low profile from other parties.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create scanners and jammers
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Maji Ironworks
Modular: Yes
Material: Impervium, Duranium, Durasteel, plastoid, various other materials and electrical components
Last edited:
Shai Maji Shai Maji

Nicely made again.
  • I think you want to edit the codes here:
  • And about the Crystal gravfield trap, it is a restricted "material", I would like to ask you to remove it, or modify the production scale to Semi-Unique or Unique.
There we go, fixed the code and swapped out the grav field for a more generic weaker system. Is that coolio or shall I remove it completely?
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