The Force: With M-XIII only possessing twenty five percent of her natural body, she is limited in the Force. However, the Force has not fully abandoned her. Unaware how she learned these abilities, since most of her memories had been wiped, she can utilize Mech-deru, Mechu Macture, Electronic Manipulation, Instinctive Astrogation, Technometry, and Force Flash. She is quite potent and dangerous with these abilities, outside these Force given gifts; she is unable to learn new abilities.
Martial Artist: M-XIII possess the ability to fight without a weapon. She knows Teräs Käsi and Echani Martial Arts; mastering both styles.
Melee Weaponry: M-XIII is highly proficient in melee combat. Jar'Kai mastery this style of play. She is equally deadly whilst wielding a single or two-handed weapon. Her knowledge isn't restricted to offensive techniques, but she is knowledgeable in melee defensive postures.
Slicer / Computer Techie: M-XIII comes equipped to slice and hack nearly all computer terminals. There has never been a terminal she could not break into. In addition to slicing, she can work her way through all computers, mainframes, and computer brains.
Junk Expert: As a salvager and scrapper, she has a trained eye to root out and separate treasure from junk.
Barter: During price negotiations, M-XIII can get the most credits out of the treasures she finds.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Bravery: Embracing challenges, difficulties, or pain; not shrinking from threat
Persistence: Finishing things once they are started
Social Intelligence: Being aware of other people's motives and feelings
Leadership: Organizing group activities and making sure they happen
Teamwork: Working well with others as a group or a team
Open-Mindedness: Examining things from all sides; thinking things through
Self-Regulation: Being disciplined; controlling one's appetites and emotions
Humor: Making other people smile or laugh; enjoying jokes
Forgiveness: Forgiving others who have wronged them
Fairness: Treating all people the same
Kindness: Doing favors and good deeds
Love: Valuing close relations with others
Toy Box
- Melee - Kyuzo Petar
- Melee - Staff
- Melee - Echani Vibrosword
- Ranged - Blaster Pistol
Cybernetics / Bionics
- Head - Subelectronic Convertor
- Throat - Cybernetic Implant Comlink
- Body - Bavakar Reflex Enhancement
- Eyes - Hi-Sense Enhanced Eyes
- Head - Psicom 1260 Interface
- Body - Artifical Lung
- Body - Cardio-Muscular Package
- Right Arm - Cyberarm Mod VI
- Left Arm - Cyberarm Mod V
- Legs - Cyberlegs Mod III
- Left Index Finger - Digital Lockpick
- Left Ear - Synthax Voice Synthesizer
- Head - Cortical datasplint
Gear / Tools
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