Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Age920 GSY
ModelIG-100 MagnaGuard
Height1.98 Meters
Weight123 kg
Force SensitiveNo
VoiceRaul Tejada

M1G-77 appears typical for a unit of the IG-100 model. Albeit, he looks a tad worn down. Additionally, he seems to have welded a facsimile of a bushy moustache to his "face". Furthermore, he dresses in a style in mimicry of an Outer Rim gunslinger, including a red poncho and wide-brim hat.




M1G-77 is a figure of steadfastness and principle. Originally designed for combat, he evolved into a character embodying a strong sense of duty and justice. His personality reflects a deep commitment to maintaining order, showcasing calmness and composure, yet he remains unafraid to act decisively when necessary.


Battle Droid: Having been in so many cokbat roles throughout his activations, M1G-77 is a seasoned fighter. He is quick on the draw and has a digital brain that knows how to think tactically in a situation.

Empathy: Perhaps a quirk of his new programming, he has shown high levels of empathy for a droid. He seems to know and care about others. He laughs and jokes. Most importantly, he is willing to defend them.


Aged: For being nearly a millennium in age, this droid needs maintenance often. Even so, he is not efficently functioning as a factory-fresh unit of his model.

Ionics: As a droid, he is susceptible to all the things droids are. Ionic weaponry, high heat, electricity. If it can dismantle a droid, it can harm him.


M1G-77 is an IG MagnaGuard whose history traces back to the tumultuous Clone Wars era. First produced in 22 BBY, M1G-77 was initially designed for frontline combat, equipped with the typical features of his model, including formidable combat skills and a towering, intimidating frame suited for protection and battle. His electrostaff and combat programming made him a lethal adversary.

After the end of the Clone Wars, with the fall of the Confederacy and the rise of the Galactic Empire, many droids of his kind were decommissioned or repurposed. However, M1G-77 found a new role among the droid army used by the Bedlam Raiders on Koboh. This group of marauders and former separatists exploited the planet's resources and maintained an aggressive stance against any intruders or law enforcement attempts.

Following the disbandment of the Bedlam Raiders, M1G-77, like many droids of war, was deactivated and discarded, forgotten by time amid the debris of conflict and conquest. His hardware endured the harsh climates and the passing of centuries until around 877 ABY when settlers establishing a new community near the old Raider base stumbled upon him. Seeing potential in the ancient warrior, they reactivated M1G-77.

The settlers, alongside an aging Corellian sheriff named Wyatt Siringo, reprogrammed M1G-77 to serve as the deputy of the settlement. Over the years, M1G-77 adapted to his new role, protecting the settlers and enforcing the peace under Wyatt's guidance. His interactions with various traders, travelers, and settlers who passed through the town helped M1G-77 develop a unique personality, far removed from his original programming.

However, following the recent passing of Wyatt, M1G-77 found himself grappling with a sense of purposelessness. Without his old friend and commander, the droid felt a void in his existence. In search of new meaning and perhaps to reignite the spark of duty he once knew, M1G-77 left the settlement. He ventured into the galaxy, ultimately finding his way to the Tingel Arm, a region filled with potential for a droid with his skills and history.

In this new chapter of his life, M1G-77 hopes to find a cause worthy of his dedication, driven by the memories of his past and the lessons learned from his time with Wyatt....
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[COLOR=#F4A460]“I am not an educated man. I never had an opportunity to learn anything except how to fight..”[/COLOR]

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