- Intent: Create Personal Grenades
- Image Source: X, XX
- Canon Link: N / A
- Permissions: N / A
- Primary Source: N / A
- Manufacturer: Marimax Mortui
- Affiliation: Marimax Mortui
- Market Status: Closed Market
- Model: N / A
- Modularity: No
- Production: Semi-Unique
- Material: Duravlex
- Classification: Incendiary
- Size: Average
- Weight: Average
- Explosive Type: Chemical Gas
- Delivery Method: Thrown
- Effective Range: Personal
- Area Of Effect: Large
- Damage Output: Extreme
- Chemically Motivated: The main component, and strength, is the chemical toxin known as Fex-M3. Usually used in dart form, the chemical know is in grenade form; allowing for the gas to spread out and affect more targets rather than just one individual target.
- Winds of Misfortune: The chemical gas contained within cannot be directly controlled. Thus, upon the grenade exploding the toxic gas can quickly spread into the surrounding air; which is deadly to anyone other than those inside the initial blast radius. Plus, extreme weather situations such as gusts of high winds can carry the gasses even further, potentially causing more damage, to enemies and innocents alike.
The grenade was created with the dominate idea of killing more powerful, threatening enemies; creatures, humans, and alien species alike. The chemical Fex-M3 was chosen for that such mission. Known famously among assassins and bounty hunters, the toxin can kill as quickly as ten seconds upon inhalation or through the pores on the surfaces of skin.
The main threat of the grenade is the dispersing of the gas contained within. There is no way to control the direction or how far the toxin can carry on the wind or even slight breezes. What can be controlled is the method of how it is utilized. The programable detonator switch allows for the grenade to be thrown with the concept of exploding immediately, or can have a timer of a maximum of five seconds programmed prior to detonation.
The grenades also have another small switch on them, that can activate electromagnets; allowing the grenades to be placed on metallic surfaces. Also, the grenade's potent toxic gas is nearly invisible; which can affect and disrupt Force users ability to use the Force.
These grenades are considered, in some opinions, a last ditch to survive harsh, deadly encounters to ensure survival.
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