Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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M80-J56 "MAD"



NAME: M80-J56
ALIAS: MAD (some times referred to by a select few as "Mat")
FACTION: Formally Imperial Remnant
FORMER RANK: Shadowtrooper Lieutenant
AGE: 26
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters
WEIGHT: 80 Kilograms
EYES: Deep Blue
HAIR: Dark Blonde
SKIN: Caucasian
FORCE SENSITIVE: Perhaps faintly- indistinct


Ruthless Soldier
Can kill anyone at the drop of a hat
Does know a minimal amount of the Strong Style of lightsaber combat, but nothing formal or impressive.

Many mental issues
He has a weakness for women, and is fairly easily seduced and/or distracted by his need to seduce women

Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).

MAD doesn't remember his origins, after his "accident". But regardless of this, he was brought up on Curoscant by a wealthy, dysfunctional family. The Father was a terrible man, who abused his wife until she eventually died one day of unknown cause. Once his sole source of abuse gave way, the father turned to his son for blame. He beat him repetitively. This would become his life, and he would begin to think that this was simply a normal part of life everyone went through. Thus he unwittingly inherited his fathers traits. The apple did not fall far from the tree. His father though was beginning to die, and that left the estate to be handled in MAD's hands. He though, didn't like the idea of being responsible for his father's land, the man he hated as well as "loved".

This was his motive for leaving, his undying hate for responsibility that had anything to do with his family; the dysfunctional mess it was. He went into a military academy and trained for four years, before his potential was fully realized. There was no doubt, that beyond the presumably thick skull of the female "charmer" the ruthless young adult was indeed something far brighter than what he let on others to believe. He came out top in his class, in just about every area he was provided, and when he was not first it was never below the 5th percentile. He was everything an Intelligence officer could hope for.

Because of his incredible adeptness, he was quickly drafted into the Military Intelligence agency as a field Operative, as he declined to be anything else. His service for the Republic was short lived, however though, that did not stop him from making himself a name. The infamous agent had a plethora of successful ops and missions to boast, and boast he did. He used these accomplishments to his advantage in 'seducing' women, and using them to his own personal advantage; let's be honest here, we know what kind of 'advantages' he was using them for, and those women were either left scarred, or you never heard of them at all. Though it wasn't liked to be thought about, seeming as the act was practically treason for the agent should it have ever been brought publicly to the higher-ups attention, MAD had an unusually high "off-the-books" casualty rate among his enemies. From those who suspected it, it was a point of serious scorn against the operative.

MAD continued in his operations for a time, engaging preemptively before any assault was ever landed within enemy space, as well as in defensive engagements require his skills in stealing information and sabotage. Though he would never admit to it, he learned a lot from barbarians and how they engaged, but all his skill was still his own. He won't ever remember the Classifieds of his career, seeming as he no longer has the memory to even think that perhaps his life was completely written on paper. There was more about him that was "off-the-books" than just his kill ratio.

However though, an event only described to him as an "accident" happened that caused a serious injury, induced him into a comma for several weeks, and had him wake up without a trace of his memory. Before that however, he went A.W.O.L. and defected to the Imperial Remnant for reasons unknown. What ever caused this long term memory loss though, didn't seem to impact anything else, because after a bit of reconditioning, and testing of his fitness for duty to the Empire, he checked out okay. More than okay, he was virtually the same person as far as accuracy, lethality, and his brutality in methods. But distinct personality changes were evident, as he was more curious (no doubt because he doesn't know anything), and less derogatory towards women than he was before the accident.

His service to the Empire wasn't long lived either, as he observed them to be too small and not warrior enough to take on the brunt of reality. Though he hadn't served in any war under the Remnant, he definitely knew it wasn't for him. He's now more or less a Mercenary, looking to engage in the Mandalorian Sith Wars under whoever wanted him first. Which is probably the Sith. It was just under one condition, that he be paid appropriately and given a women by the end of the skirmish. As long as they can provide half the payment in the beginning, he'll serve just about anyone.

Average Inventory: Shadow Stormtrooper armor (stealth), adhesive grenade and a CryoBan grenade, E-11 Blaster rifle (with a technologically ancient DC-19 "Stealth" Carbine as a secondary depending on the mission), Repulsor pack (like a Jetpack but without noise or light), and an Archaic Shadow Trooper lightsaber.

N/A yet




Merrill's Magnanimous Matchmaking Marathon
Teaching Not to mess with people
Unusual Mercenary Business
I posted once in Atrisian Empires Dominion, but didn't really have any other involvement.

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