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Approved Tech M99 Electro-plasma longsword

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  • Classification: Electro-plasma double-edged vibro longsword
  • Size: Large
  • Length: 130 Centimeters or 51 Inches (Includes 20 Centimeter hilt)
  • Weight: Average - 1.8 Kilograms
  • Blade-type: Double-edged
  • Hilt-type: Two-handed swept, semi-circular cruciform guard
  • Power source: 1,500 hour deuterium-tritium nuclear fusion battery
  • AC-current power supply
  • Double-edged blade
  • Electro-plasma filament
  • Electro-plasma filament toggle switch
  • Magnetic containment field
  • Magnatomic adhesion grip
  • Modular magnetizable sheath with belt loops
  • Ultrasonic vibration generator
    • Generator toggle
  • Electro-plasma edge: M99 Electro-plasma longswords possess a sharpened edge that vibrates ultrasonically making it in simple terms a vibro-weapon however what sets the weapon apart is its' placement of electromagnets in its' construction along the blade's length which permits it to contain a field of ionized deuterium-tritium plasma which operates at a temperature of approximately 2,400 degrees celsius. The Electro-plasma edge can survive contact with other such edges and the M99's plasma magnetic containment field allows it to repel and survive contact with light-sabers provided the battery is charged and active, otherwise it functions as a normal vibroweapon.
  • Double-edged blade: Possessing a double-sided blade permits for the weapon to cut in two different directions and makes cutting, stabbing and slashing more effective when compared to single-edged blades and gives the electro-plasma sword a distinct advantage against them allowing for the use of broader techniques.
  • Length: Constructed with a long blade the M99 possesses a distinct advantage when coming into combat against shorter bladed melee weapons, it can be used to create distance between the wielder and opponent which is useful for dictating the space at which a fight might be fought.
  • Length: There are noticeable downsides to having such a long blade on the M99 among these is being limited in the techniques one can apply in a close-quarters fighting environment with narrow hallways and obstacles. When warriors wielding this weapon are fighting as part of a line formation it limits their technique severely, typically closed-line riot formations limit the swings to vertical while open-formation creates ability for horizontal strikes at the sacrifice of creating gaps in the formation of a length no shorter than the sword. Additionally, over-the-head swings might be difficult in a building if the wielder is sufficiently tall as the blade may strike the ceiling.
  • Lightsaber-resistant materials: Strictly speaking lightsabers reportedly burn at temperatures far in excess for what is even typically attainable for a plasma cutter at 20,000 degrees celsius which stands approximately ten-times higher than the M99 Electro-plasma longsword. A material which possesses mechanical and chemical properties that make it hard for even a Lightsaber to cut through would generally speaking shrug off the M99 Electro-plasma longsword. However, when used in an armor application the thermal conductivity of such a material should also be taken into an account as some of the thermal energy could potentially pass through the material and hit the target.
  • Imperfections: Its' not common although not entirely unheard of for the M99 Electro-plasma longsword to possess tiny fractures through the Esstride, these imperfections can potentially cause brittleness in the blade and when struck by a high-velocity sonic weapon its' waves can propagate around the flaws in grain structure and cause the blade to crack or shear when further force is applied.
The M99 Electro-plasma longsword is a type of electro-plasma weapon designed and manufactured by the League of Sanctified Steel, its' design is several tens of thousands of years old and allegedly has its' origins in ancient human culture from the deep core. The M99 Electro-plasma longsword's total length is 130 centimeters and weighs just under 2 kilograms at 1.8 kilograms, it is forged from several hard and tough metals and ceramic metals to achieve desired physical properties including a high melting point. The Hilt itself is constructed from Esstride and contains a battery at its' base that is inserted through the metal pommel and replaced as necessary generally only when the battery is expended as it cannot be fitted under field conditions due to issues regarding waterproofing. The blade is forged from Esstride, Mullinine, Silvian Iron with a nanometer veneer of Ultrachrome over its' surface for added corrosion resistance.

In terms of its' utility the M99 is impressive with a double-edged blade that is supported by an angled swept-cruciform hilt constructed from Esstride and shielded by approximately one milimeter of Ultrachrome to protect the wielder's hands from a lightsaber, the cruciform hilt is an important feature that allows the wielder to more reliably parry aside hostile blades. In its' normal state without a battery the M99 is a simple longsword extremely sharp but a simple sword all the same lethality relies on the weapon's battery power there is an ultrasonic vibration generator contained within the weapon though this relies on the battery as does the magnetic plasma filament ocated along the blade's edge. The vibration generator and plasma filament are toggled with the same button thus when activated the otherwise inert sword becomes a potent vibro electro-plasma weapon generating temperature approximately 2,400 degrees celsius which gives it an extraordinary ability to bite through organic material and even mass-produced armor constructed from common metals, polymers and ceramics.

As a military-focused government the League of Sanctified steel's Order of Artisans designed a magnetisable sheath made from boiled leather for the M99 which is supposed to be worn on the back over the shoulder. It is a vertical half-sheath meaning that the sheath has a cut that runs about three-quarters of its' length allowing it to be drawn from an over-the-shoulder position where a wielder draws up the blade approximately twelve inches so that its' precipice clears the sheath. The blade can be then safely pivoted on the top of the sheath and withdrawn easily. This can make it difficult to produce the weapon from sheath in a room with low-ceiling so its' scabbard also features belt and hook loops to be fastened around a soldier's waist as a traditional type of sword would.
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The Last Son
Cerys gan Ymlerith Ithlinne Cerys gan Ymlerith Ithlinne

Please provide links for the following materials.
Power source: 1,500 hour deuterium-tritium nuclear fusion battery

May I inquire how a Longsword, considered "Large" in its size is "Average" in its weight while using Neuranium, which is listed as one of the heaviest and densest metals known within the Star Wars Canon? to me it seems a bit out of character to be using a metal that is known to have the ability to warp the fabric of gravity as "Average" weight for a sword that is larger than the typical size of a "two handed Longsword."

Can you please provide a weakness related to that of the technology submission of Esstride? Namely being highly conductive to electrical based weaponry?
Cerys gan Ymlerith Ithlinne Cerys gan Ymlerith Ithlinne

Please provide links for the following materials.

May I inquire how a Longsword, considered "Large" in its size is "Average" in its weight while using Neuranium, which is listed as one of the heaviest and densest metals known within the Star Wars Canon? to me it seems a bit out of character to be using a metal that is known to have the ability to warp the fabric of gravity as "Average" weight for a sword that is larger than the typical size of a "two handed Longsword."

Can you please provide a weakness related to that of the technology submission of Esstride? Namely being highly conductive to electrical based weaponry?

I swap Neuranium for ultrachrome I hope it is OK, I thought only large amounts of Neuranium cause gravity shift this is why I use it initially, made large for size because I compare to reference 28.74cm sword made by Khonsu. Put in weakness related to Esstride and manufacture imperfection cause brittle and cracks when exposed to sonic? I hope it is OK.
The Last Son
Cerys gan Ymlerith Ithlinne Cerys gan Ymlerith Ithlinne

Oh no you are fine. Its not that its "Wrong" to use it. I just remember that it mentioning a single mm could stop most scanning systems due to the warping effect. And considering most swords are thicker than one mm, I thought I should ask.

Switching to Ultrachrome is fine. No problems here.

Typically "Longswords" of your "Medieval knight" is around 90-110 cm. Yours is just a little over with 130. Not that big a deal.

Anyways, Approved. Enjoy the swords.
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