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Approved NPC Maahir Baccus

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Name: Maahir Baccus
Loyalties: Darth Carnifex & The Sith Order
Role: Knightly Protege, Slaver

Development Threads:

Species: Zygerrian

As a Zygerrian, Maahir possessed a distinct feline appearance with strong angular features, and bony protrusions jutting from his lower jaw. The coloration of his fur was caramel with umber dark spots and swirls accenting his muscular body. His sharp piercing eyes before his ascent to the ranks of the Sith was a dark silver, but as the Dark Side corruption began to take hold of his physical turn they became muddled by the traditional sulfuric yellow associated with the Sith. A lover of all things grandiose, Maahir has adorned his bodies with piercings bedazzled with jewelry consisting of the most precious gems such as emeralds, sapphires, rubies, and amethysts while also wearing flamboyant silken garments imported from all across the galaxy.

When not being one hundred percent fabulous, Maahir wears a set of zeyd-cloth and reinforced durasteel Sith armor that covers his entire body and conceals his face behind a skull-like mask and heavy hood and cloak. His lightsaber, despite his love for all things colorful, is disappointingly dull and mundane in design yet possesses an lightsaber crystal that produces a persimmon blade.

Personality: As his flamboyant appearance would lead you to believe, Maahir is in fact a homosexual with a deep desire for all things colorful and shiny. Maahir doesn't seem to shy away from the stereotypical matching of his appearance and sexual preference, and has no shame in openly flaunting it. Yet despite all of that weighty flair there lies a more sinister creature beneath for Maahir is a debauched slaver whose riches were earned by capturing and selling other sentient beings for profit, a trait that has only intensified after he was indoctrinated into the Sith lifestyle. His ruthlessness transcends his penchant for slavery and is easily directed towards anyone who earns his ire, but above all he especially despises the Jedi and the Republic for the ancient humiliation they inflicted upon the Zygerrian people thousands of years ago.

He harbors a deep desire to return the Zygerrian Slave Empire to its former glory, and believes that by allying with the Sith was the only way to achieve that dream. He admires the ancient Sith Empires for their rampant slavery, and believes them to be kindred spirits with the Zygerrians. It is unknown how far his dedication to the Sith will go in the face of his loyalty to his people.

Force Sensitivity: Knight

Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber, Dark Side of the Force, & Electro-whip

  • Skilled Slaver
  • An aggressive unarmed combatant
  • Proficient in Form V: Djem So
  • Skilled with an electro-whip
  • Decent with telekinetic aspects of the Force, not so great with everything else

Wealth: Maahir gained most of his wealth from trading slaves on the black market prior to ascending to Sithhood, and while his duties tend to keep him preoccupied from continuing his career as a slaver he still possesses a considerable wealth.

Combat Function: Maahir favors the combination of his lightsaber and his electro-whip in combat, utilizing the latter to ensnare his opponents while simultaneously attempting to skewer them with the former. However; he is not above using solely one or the other if needed, and if completely unarmed he can use his sharpened claws to rend flesh from bone with ease. He is proficient in the Djem So variant of Form V, just like his master Darth Carnifex, and uses his enhanced physique and natural physical strength to batter his foes into submission.

Notable Possessions:

History: Maahir was born into a life of privilege as the son of a wealthy and infamous Zyggerian slaver-prince on his people's homeworld of Zygerria, which at the time was ruled by a caste of princes each controlling vast principalities across the globe. As the designated heir to his father's vast holdings, wealth, and prestige, it was expected of him to be tutored in the finest education slavery money could buy. Of course, like any spoiled noble youth, he tended the shirk his duties in favor of partying, women (or in his case men), and other rebellious acts that earned his father's frequent ire. Still, as he aged he matured to the point where he no longed shirked his duties (while still partaking in his own lusts when the need arose) and at last lived up to the expectations of his father.

When his father finally died he inherited his fortunes and became the new prince, which allowed him to further embroil himself in the lucrative Outer Rim slave trade. It was his prowess as a slaver that earned him the attention of the Sith in the form of Kaine Zambrano, who personally met with the slaver-prince and traded ideologies on the current situation that the galaxy found itself in. It was during that fateful meeting that the Sith Lord also discovered Maahir's latent Force-sensitivity, and promptly recruited him into the ranks of the Sith as one of his many apprentices.

Maahir's penchant for ruthlessness allowed him to rise quickly through the ranks, and attain knighthood despite his extremely late entry into the Sith. He would continue to serve as Zambrano's principle slaver contact within the black market as well as one of his most talented students. Such connections came in handy when the One Sith Empire finally collapsed after over a decade of waging war against the Grand Republic, and the worlds of the Pacanth Reach found themselves cut off from the wellspring of the Core. It was Maahir and his fellow slavers that allowed Panatha to continue making money as it transformed into another hub of slavery.

Intent: #InstantInspiration

Rekali the Hutt

[member="Darth Carnifex"]

Same disclaimers as the other submission, but with the notes on telekinesis I'm good with this as is. Pending approval.

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