NAME: MaarahFACTION: Star Wolves
SPECIES: Felacatian
AGE: 27
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'10
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Bright orange dreadlocks
SKIN: Extremely fine pale orange fur
+ Maarah is a Felacatian, a polymorphic feline native to the planet Felacat. In her normal state, she is a tall humanoid being with near-human characteristics. The tell tale sign of her alien heritage is her short fur and long tail, along with a hyper developed sense of balance, perfect night vision, and hyper fast reflexes -- all a result of her feline evolution.
+ Well used to using blasters and heavy weapons. Her skill with a vibroshiv is deadly, as is her use of the Rodian vibrowhip.

- When she is forced to stand hyperspace for an extended period of time, or when she experiences any level of stress, her body begins to change. Without an outlet for their stress, the Felacatian's body would shift its form within seconds, becoming a huge, predatory cat.
In this form, she is extremely dangerous, and is protected by a row of heavy spikes along her back, along with claws that could shred durasteel, notoriously potent strength and speed, and incredible sensory perception.
- With practice, a she can eventually phase back and forth in between the two forms at will, and, with further practice, restrain herself from shifting when she doesn't want to, but for now, she is unable to do so.
Maarah's family was murdered when she was a child. Barely escaping with her life, she is very wary of other individuals, especially strangers. She is more than willing to live up to the prejudices and stereotypes of humanists, well aware that her alien heritage and her predatory cat form frightens the normal spacer. She can be silly at times; often childlike in her attraction to shiny pretty things, but she is quick to anger, and even quicker to draw blood.
Maarah believes deeply in honor and is willing to kill people in order to uphold justice for innocent people. She believes in helping those who have helped her for to allow them to come to harm would be a dishonor on herself and her adopted family with [member="Ironwolf"], and the Star Wolves.