NAME: Macharius Solaire
FACTION: Confederacy
RANK: Genral / Industrialist
FACTION: Confederacy
RANK: Genral / Industrialist
AGE: 55
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: 174 lbs.
EYES: Green
HAIR: Grey / White
SKIN: White
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: 174 lbs.
EYES: Green
HAIR: Grey / White
SKIN: White

+ Silver Tongue: Being persuasive is rather necessary for a politicians career, and a businessman.
+ Ambitious: Macharius thinks big and strives far in his goals. With careful planning he'll see them accomplished.
+ Military Experience: An ex-officer of the Omega Protectorate forces, and even farther back than that. Holding 25 years of experience under his belt.
- Humanocentric: Humans are of course superior in the order of the galaxy. Near-Humans and Aliens have their uses to of course. Droids, well lets just say I'm biting my tongue at the moment on that matter.
- Ends May Justify The Means: Holds no reservations at getting things done. No matter how they are accomplished.
- Manipulative And Deceptive: Rather straight forward despite the wording.

Macharius Solaire is a slim, gaunt man. Aged and worn from his life's experiences. Deep laugh lines run down his cheeks and plenty of wrinkles line his brow. Despite this aged appearance you will not see him shuffling around like an old man. He's in excellent condition and ready for anything. An average height of 5'11" will win him few upward gazes, but he strikes a fierce figure overall. A hawkish face to intimidate opponents, a crisp black uniform, trimmed white and gold. A white diamond shaped patch on his left arm stands out just to spice up his attire. Under this jacket is a collared button up and a white tie. Dress pants are an always, pressed without a single crease in them. And depending on the days itinerary he may be wearing either comfortable shoe wear or boots. As for the rest of the generalities; he has grey turning to white hair. Weighs a 174 pounds to go with his slim build. Green colored eyes. And white skin.

In his 50 years in this galaxy, Macharius Solaire had had numerous adventures throughout the stars. Fought hundreds of battles for many different leaders. And learned much from these and countless more experiences. Lets keep this to the basics for now though.
His homewworld of Denon, sitting at the junction of two hyperlanes makes it one of the busiest worlds there is. If you could say for a world its population already wasn't. Here though he grew up in luxury. The Solaire name is an old one. It can be traced back to the latter days of the Old Republic. There is no dynasty to it though. Or else when one happens it lasts no longer than a few generations at best.
Macharius when he came of age chose the path of blood and glory. A military life that brought him such for 28 years. He was no galactic hero, but he served Denon and latter the Omegan Protectorate with distinction. He retired at the age of 46, to peruse politics and to become an industrialist. Both of which he's done well in, especially the former. Macharius has even more ambitious goals for his future. He'll do what he needs to see his dreams made reality, one step at a time.