Eternal Father
Swooping through the acrid atmosphere, the sleek black shuttle came to rest upon a diamond-shaped edifice of soot-stained metal that jutted out from the base of an impossibly enormous tower. The tower wore no adornment of allegiance or designation, for it required neither as all who came to inhabit its labyrinthine corridors knew where they were and who had them in their clutches.
The tower was the Citadel and the world around them was Lola Sayu.
When the Sith Empire came to Lola Sayu the world was still under the influence of the Silver Jedi Order, who used the world to isolate their most dangerous inmates and criminals. The Sith shattered the bonds shackling these murderers and war criminals and set them loose upon the Jedi wardens, who either fled or were murdered in the riots. The Sith returned the Citadel to its original purpose as a prison for Jedi and other powerful Force-sensitive individuals, locking away many of the Silver Jedi that had managed to survive those early campaigns.
Most recently, the Citadel had played host to the Silver Jedi's Grandmaster, Elise, who had been captured by bounty hunters and handed over to the Sith despite the Silver Jedi's best efforts to thwart such a transfer. She had been interrogated multiple times over by the Saaraishash but had relinquished nothing of vital importance, and thus had been left to languish in her cell on the wasted world.
The sound of boots scuffing against the metal floor outside the cell would draw the occupant's gaze towards the heavily reinforced turadium door, which parted to reveal a pair of Imperial Detention officers with their stun rifles raised and pointed towards the prisoner. Entering, they ordered her to the far wall and to place her hands against the cold metal surface. The sound of heavier footfalls permeated the recycled air as another entered, followed quickly by the receding footsteps of the two officers as they left and closed the cell door behind them.
For a brief moment, there was only the slow methodical breathing of the unknown occupant, and then a voice as dark as midnight filled the silent gulf.
"Turn around."
When she did, she would find her sight consumed with the sheer immensity of the Dark Lord of the Sith. His towering muscular body was swaddled in black robes trimmed with maroon along the hem and sleeves, ornate patterns of Sith runes stitched across the robe's chest and where it parted around his groin and legs. His head was uncovered, his jet-black hair drawn back and bound with simple linen bands. He wore the scars of recent battle across his face and on the back of his hands, which were clasped at his waist in a neutral stance.
"It is about time we met."