Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character MacTavish Moreau

MacTavish Moreau

Televising The Revolution

"If you make an honest picture of war, they will call it propaganda"


Technology- MacTavish has been using technology his entire life, and the older he gets the more in depth he has gone into his understanding. He is able to bypass a lot of security systems as well as tinker with electronics. He has a vast amount of knowledge about a lot of different topics.

Lucky- The Rodian troublemaker may not be physically imposing, nor does he have a great deal of understanding of the Force, but he always seems to get by on the skin of his teeth. He seems to be luckier than the average joe walking down the street. This gift has saved his hide more than once.

No Fear of Death- From a young age, MacTavish learned to not fear death and so the convictions he does have he is willing to die for. His confidence and willpower are the main driving force for a lot of his actions.


No Fear of Death-
From a young age, MacTavish learned to not fear death and so the convictions he does have he is willing to die for. His arrogance and stubbornness often times get in his way when he is learning lessons or taking risks.

Strength- MacTavish is a tricky fighter, using quick moves to take his enemies out. If he is in combat for extended periods of time, he is quick to tire.

Damning Evidence- MacTavish has started recording and broadcasting his 'crimes' to the galaxy. He is using it to control the narrative and fight the good fight, however, he doesn't cover his identity and is wanted by most governments in the galaxy.

Risky Business- Given MacTavish's line of work, he is often close to combat or in the mix somehow. There are not a lot of people in his career who live long lives. He is likely not going to break that stereotype.


Born to very poor parents on Coruscant, MacTavish has never known anything but struggle. His parents worked as much as they could, but were never able to get themselves out of the crippling poverty that struck all the lower levels of the city-planet. From a young age the Rodian had to work, getting jobs when he could, and helping take care of his parents and their bills. Seeing the underside of the planet, Tav understood the wrongdoings of the galaxy from the time he was old enough to understand money. He had a fascination with bettering the galaxy, even when everything was stacked against him. He knew that something bigger awaited him in the large galaxy outside of Coruscant. Being from the behemoth of a planet, the sheer size of the galaxy was much easier for him to understand. Whereas most people saw it as overwhelming, Moreau saw it as a challenge.

After his parents died when he was fairly young, the Rodian began trying to fight injustice whenever he came across it. He became something of a vigilante in his sector, using a droid he made out of scrap parts, he would record the harsh uses of force the troops exhibited on the poor folk. He learned about computers and technology, quicky being able to encrypt his videos so that they couldn't be taken down by the governments. It wouldn't be long until his sights were set on something much larger than the underbelly of Coruscant. After a few years of his vigilante endeavors, MacTavish left the planet and started exploring other star systems. Here he would do what he had been doing, recording the travesties taking place across the galaxy and uploading them for everyone to see. This kind of guerrilla warfare worked exceptionally well. Since he was recording these crimes himself he was able to control the narrative which governments hated, and quickly came after him trying to scare him.

He figured the best places to start were planets where large governments had just laid claim, traveling to zones controlled by the Alliance, the Sith, and even the Brotherhood before it was dissolved. Wherever large government corruption happened, Tav's toes were planted firmly on the ground, doing the dirty work to expose the corruption. He traveled around with a rogue Jedi knight for a while who had similar dreams as he did. The Jedi showed MacTavish the Force and its basic understandings. Never one to believe in the dogma, the Rodian only used the Force as an aid rather than a tool to be controlled. Now the revolutionary finds himself traveling solo, exploring the next world to have its neck stepped on by a large galactic power. His camera and blaster ready to televise the revolution. He knew it was coming, it was just up to the rest of the galaxy to catch up.


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