Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mad Jack Son'ov'a

Name: Mad Jack Son’ov’a
Species: Nautolan
Age: 35
Height: 2 meters (6’5’’)
Weight: 100kg (220 lbs)
Body type: Athletically muscled
Vocation: Leader of the Ministers of Ungentlemanly Business/ “Fixer”
Skin: Green
Eyes: Black
Faction(s): None
Loyalties: Hired by the “Doc”
Enemies and Targets: [member="Bradshaw Ku"], his family ([member="Lady Kay"], [member="Veiere Arenais"]) and the entire Commenor Systems Alliance. Doctor’s orders. What games the “Doc” has planned, have yet to be revealed.
Force Sensitive: Yes


Jack of all trades: A long career as a “Fixer” has taught him much, and given him a wide breadth of skills and knowledge. Every odd job adds to his uniquely disparate set of talents.

Don’t Mind Me: Perhaps the only area in which he can be said to be an expert is in the Dark Jedi mind games. While not especially talented in most areas of force combat, healing, or any other force abilities, he has a special affinity for telepathic powers like mind control and force illusion.


No scruples here: At best he is immoral, at worst, he is a downright monster. His complete lack of ‘scruples’ or moral compass means he’s willing to do everything and anything to get the job done. However, it also doesn’t make friends or allies easy to come by. His employers can sometimes barely deal with him.


Master of None: Though his career as a “Fixer” has made him proficient with much, he is an expert at very little. Anyone specializing in almost anything, or having a particular talent for something, would easily outstrip his own knowledge or ability in that area.

Not Mad Jack for Nothin’: Despite many characteristics, like focus, and detail orientation, which have helped to make him a successful “Fixer”, there is one that can get in the way of it all. At the best of times he’s a bit weird, at the worst, he’s more than a few tentacles short of a full Nautolan head of ‘hair.’ This, combined with his lack of scruples, can get him side-tracked on missions if he finds something of particular “interest”. Sometimes, he likes to play too much with his food.

The Ministers of Ungentlemanly Business (NPC submissions to come):

Suga’: Green skinned female Twi’lek (Pilot/ Weapon’s Specialist). Mad Jack’s special lady friend, but, it’s “complicated.”

Neil, the Nihilist Med-Droid: His creator is unknown, his purpose is pointless, and his bedside manner is the worst in the galaxy (Medic/ Scientist). Sigh, what’s the point?


Two genetically modified Ewok twins on loan from the “Doc”:
Gar’Jub: (Mechanic + fighter)
Bub’Jub: (Slicer + fighter)


Biography: -Coming soon-

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