Ace Pilot
NAME: Madam Andromeda
FACTION: Confederacy of Independent Systems (Former)
RANK: None
AGE: It's rude to ask
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.83 Meters
WEIGHT: 300 lbs
HAIR: None
SKIN: Custom Plating polished with Chromium
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Deflector Shield Generator
Used to deflect blaster bolts and other projectiles.
Due to the Droideka's ability to roll into a ball it can move around at high speeds going up to 75 kilometers per hour.
Light Saber
While her shields can deflect blaster bolts they are unable to deflect light saber strikes.
Unable to combat effectively against Force users.
The Droid looks similar to other models of Droidekas but with a few minor changes, this includes her plating which had been replaced and shined with Chromium. And installed with her very own voice synthesizer allowing her to speak to much like any other droids.
Originally used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars, Droideka's we're typically used as reinforcements for B1 battle droids. However Andromeda never got to see battle as the Clone Wars had ended before she could be deployed into battle. The Droideka would waste away in a abandoned factory for years to come before being discovered by a group of smugglers, attempting to steal some to possibly sell or even use them for their own gain.
Though many of the Droid's battery's had long since been dead and we're mostly only good for parts. Andromeda seemed to still be in working order and so was taken from the factory on Colla IV to be sold. However after some consideration the Smugglers decided to keep the working Droideka for themselves and sell the non working B1 Battle Droids to an unknown party. Andromeda would spend her time with the Smugglers eventually bonding with them and befriending a few of them. She was soon installed with a voice synthesizer allowing her to speak her own mind and socialize with the Other smugglers and on one occasion she was given shiny new platings made from Chromium giving her a more unique appearance from the traditional Droideka.
One day during a smuggling run on the planet of Coruscant the Smugglers we're arrested by Imperial troopers on suspicion of aiding the Rebel Alliance by providing them with weapons stolen from Imperial Outposts across the planet. This immediately sparked a skirmish between the Imperial troopers and Andromeda who thanks for her deflection shields and blaster cannons was able to fend off the troopers. However before she could rescue her friends the Droideka was told by one of the Smugglers to escape, which she did by somehow taking their ship and escaped the planet of Coruscant. Eventually the Droideka landed on the planet of Tatooine where she remains.
A stolen Star Commuter 2000 originally belonging to the Empire but stolen by a group of Smugglers on the planet of Naboo. The Ship was later painted black to make it look "Cool" so is said by the former Smuggler Captain of the craft.
FACTION: Confederacy of Independent Systems (Former)
RANK: None
AGE: It's rude to ask
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.83 Meters
WEIGHT: 300 lbs
HAIR: None
SKIN: Custom Plating polished with Chromium
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Deflector Shield Generator
Used to deflect blaster bolts and other projectiles.
Due to the Droideka's ability to roll into a ball it can move around at high speeds going up to 75 kilometers per hour.
Light Saber
While her shields can deflect blaster bolts they are unable to deflect light saber strikes.
Unable to combat effectively against Force users.
The Droid looks similar to other models of Droidekas but with a few minor changes, this includes her plating which had been replaced and shined with Chromium. And installed with her very own voice synthesizer allowing her to speak to much like any other droids.
Originally used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars, Droideka's we're typically used as reinforcements for B1 battle droids. However Andromeda never got to see battle as the Clone Wars had ended before she could be deployed into battle. The Droideka would waste away in a abandoned factory for years to come before being discovered by a group of smugglers, attempting to steal some to possibly sell or even use them for their own gain.
Though many of the Droid's battery's had long since been dead and we're mostly only good for parts. Andromeda seemed to still be in working order and so was taken from the factory on Colla IV to be sold. However after some consideration the Smugglers decided to keep the working Droideka for themselves and sell the non working B1 Battle Droids to an unknown party. Andromeda would spend her time with the Smugglers eventually bonding with them and befriending a few of them. She was soon installed with a voice synthesizer allowing her to speak her own mind and socialize with the Other smugglers and on one occasion she was given shiny new platings made from Chromium giving her a more unique appearance from the traditional Droideka.
One day during a smuggling run on the planet of Coruscant the Smugglers we're arrested by Imperial troopers on suspicion of aiding the Rebel Alliance by providing them with weapons stolen from Imperial Outposts across the planet. This immediately sparked a skirmish between the Imperial troopers and Andromeda who thanks for her deflection shields and blaster cannons was able to fend off the troopers. However before she could rescue her friends the Droideka was told by one of the Smugglers to escape, which she did by somehow taking their ship and escaped the planet of Coruscant. Eventually the Droideka landed on the planet of Tatooine where she remains.
A stolen Star Commuter 2000 originally belonging to the Empire but stolen by a group of Smugglers on the planet of Naboo. The Ship was later painted black to make it look "Cool" so is said by the former Smuggler Captain of the craft.