Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Madison Starr

Madison Starr


  • Madison Starr
  • Human Female
    • 170 cm - 5' 7"
    • 68 kg - 150 lbs
    • Force Sensitive


Madison Starr is a bold curvy woman from the oceanic world of Belarouge. Born to a poor family on an even poorer world but was gifted with a supernatural ability to see into the future. She has light brown hair, soft blue eyes, and a firm unwavering smile. Madison Starr grew up with many friends and with a bright social positivity. Ready and anxious to make the most out of life.


As a young adult, Madison Starr's life changed quickly. War came to planet Belarouge. Ravaging her home island and driving her friends and family to seek shelter on the nearby planet of Devaron. A planet of dark and twisted temptations. The refugees from Belarouge were quickly exploited and indebted to the planet's deep Underworld of cartels and villains. Life was bleak for the survivors. With many watching their peaceful island lifestyles shattered forever as slaves. Luckily, the Underworld had it's own desperate power struggles too. Opportunities that the brightest of the minds could learn to exploit for their own gains. Here, Madison Starr and small rag-tag group of local heroes, launched a desperate rescue attempt on the Underworld fortress where her friends were being kept. And they succeeded handily too. Rescuing not only her family and friends but a Silver Concord Spymaster, Mads Nadine too, Collapsing the entire Underworld fortress with a hideous bang and grand explosions.

Later. The rescued Spymaster, Mads, and the Silver Concord government, helped most of the refugees resettle on planet Denon. Exchanging one dark metropolis for another, and hopefully, brighter future. Meanwhile, destiny beckoned Madison to pursue alone a future among the galaxies most gifted scions. The Silver Jedi of Kashyyyk.

Hesitantly, she accepted the calling. Following a strange Force vision she'd had as a child. A vision. To become, a Jedi.

Adventures Thus Far:

In the years that followed her arrival on Kashyyyk, Madison excelled as a Jedi pupil. Expressing a profound talent for mind manipulation and shadowy infiltration. As well as mystic combat and battlefield leadership roles too. Quickly traveling from one war zone to the next.

She disappeared following the climatic Battle of Tython. Though rumors abound of her return to Denon. And to family.

  • - Vanity
  • - Pro-Human Bias
  • ~ Too Human
  • ~ Cat Allergies
  • + Force Seer
  • + Pistol Marksman
  • ++ Force Sensitivity


Items & Ships:


  1. Contemplation - Jax, Coruscant.
  2. Baby no, Van Gogh - Iris, Corsucant.
  3. I Know Teras Kasi - Jax, Tython.
  4. Crisis at Cato - Jax, BOTM Mission.
  5. Balance Point - Jax, Joint Jedi Mission, Ilum.
  6. How Far - SJO, Bimmisarri.
  7. Retribution - 2GHW, Asog
  8. All Roads - NJO, Tython.
  9. The Springtime War - NJO, Voss.
  10. Quiet as a Shadow - SJC, Orleon Dom.
  11. Blood in Spring - AC SJC, Voss Junction.
  12. Acid Rain - HSC, Diplomacy.
  13. Spring Showers - Valery, Voss.
  14. Shatterpoint - Annihilation of Tython.


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