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Approved NPC Madlad

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  • Intent: Talohn's companion droid that he travels with, one of his closest friends.
  • Image Credit:
  • Role: Mechanical, language, and combat aid.
  • Permissions: n/a
  • Links: None
  • Name: Madlad
  • Loyalties: Loyal to Talohn
  • Notable Equipment: The droid is armed with a flamethrower on the top of it's right wrist, two hidden compartments on the bottom of it's forearms that open up to release to viroblades into Madlad's hands for wielding, hands are equipped with activateable electric units so that the droid is able to shock people when grabbing them or their weapons. Finally, the tips of Madlad's fingers can extend outwards into sharp tipped claws. Other minor features are heartbeat sensors, Thermal scanners, slicing tools, and frequency scanners.
  • Skills: Madlad is skilled in long range combat and close range combat, even hand to hand is in it's knowledge. On top of this, it can also translate languages when needed, and has a large amount of knowledge in the tech department. Specifically when it comes to weaponry.
  • Personality: Madlad is well, mad. It's a dark and brooding droid, with rarely anything nice to say if it decides to speak it all. It can be kind sometimes, but only to those it knows well, which is only Talohn at this time.
  • Weapon of Choice: Any weapon Talohn dares to give him, and it will adapt it's strategies accordingly.
  • Combat Function: It's main combat function is to aid and defend Talohn. Whether it be fighting at his side with a blade, or covering him from afar with a sniper, the droid will do whatever possible to make sure Talohn makes it out alive.
  • Language translation, close combat, ranged combat, weapon customization, intelligent, unable to be intimidated, slicing, engineering and tech savyness, with a love to customize and work on weapons.
  • Stubborn, negative disposition, concerningly violent due to faulty mental programming, will lean towards criminal action if not kept under control.


Madlad doesn't have any memories of what it was before Talohn. It was only salvage parts before that after all. Though it was all slavage, Talohn still managed to create an impressive specimen of a droid, specifically in the mental department. It's programming was faulty, and it had a negative disposition, but it was smart. Some would say too smart. Perhaps too sentient for the tastes of those around it. Despite all this, to Talohn and Madlad, they were brothers. They fought tooth and nail to get to where they are today. Despite it's dark and violent tendencies, Talohn was always there to upgrade it, rebuild it, support it. That made Madlad's loyalty to Talohn absolute. Talohn makes Madlad more powerful, and Madlad protects Talohn. That's the system they've always had, and despite it's tendencies, Madlad would die saving Talohn if need be. Though, it has other lives. Throughout it's 9 years of being active, it has learned many things. As such, you'll often find it listening to Mandalorian music or working on machinery. Something they both enjoy. Madlad also loves finding good slavage, and will often use said salvage to work on projects that it came up with itself, to the surprise of many people, as such is a very unusual droid behavior.
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Talohn Atar Talohn Atar Hello there and welcome to the Codex! :) You have a lot of good foundations here, but this submission needs a little bit of work before I can approve it:
  • In Out of Character Information, in Permissions, you've mentioned that "The name of the artist is in the link. I don't have permissions". The permissions field is to list and provide screenshots for permission to use other people's submissions in this one. In light of this, please remove the sentence you've written there, and replace it with "n/a".
  • In Physical Information, under Model, please note that the template requires you to provide a link to a Droid submission from the Technology Factory Forum, a link to a canon droid model, or, if there is no special technology noted, a droid class. It's perfectly fine if the droid's original model is unknown IC, but for the submission, we need something there. I believe that most droids that walk on two legs would work for this, though an easier option would be to just stage "Class IV" since according to the Wookie, "Class four droids were programmed to fight. Almost all class four droids carried weapons. Armed combat droids were among the first droids ever created. There were four subcategories of class four droids."
  • In Social Information, in Loyalties, please link to Talohn's character sheet. If you don't have one, linking to the character account would work as well.
  • Additionally, you're missing the Historical Information part of the template. The entire template must be used in your submission.
  • I would also recommend you flesh the droid out. He has hobbies which means he has a personality, so why not let submission readers get to know him and get a feel for him a little bit? There are a lot of directions you could be taking with this.
I know you are new to Codex and sometimes these things can seem a little bit intimidating. If you need any further explanations or assistance, I'll be glad to help ♥ Please tag me back for any help or once the edits are done.
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar Thank you very much for the edits! There's just one more edit I need from you and then I'll be happy to approve this submission:

In this submission, you've written this:
Notable Equipment: Usually a blaster of some sort if Talohn decides to give it. Other than that, it carries a vibroknife.
But then in your droid model submission, this is mentioned:
  • Armaments: The droid is armed with a flamethrower on the top of it's right wrist, two hidden compartments on the bottom of it's forearms that open up to release to viroblades into Madlad's hands for wielding, hands are equipped with activateable electric units so that the droid is able to shock people when grabbing them or their weapons. Finally, the tips of Madlad's fingers can extend outwards into sharp tipped claws.
  • Misc. Equipment: Heartbeat sensor, Thermal scanners, slicing tools, frequency scanners, language translation
While we always want to link wherever we can so that people have ease of access to information and relevancy, we don't want to actually let them feel like they need to comb through details for things that are better stated out right. His armaments and equipment from the factory submission should really all be mentioned in the notable equipment in this submission.

Please tag me back once this is done :)
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