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Approved Ranged Weapon Madrugar 'FireStorm' Automatic Squad Blaster

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Manufacturer: Madrugar Corporations
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average

Image Source: ArtStation - Deep Rising - Multi Barrel Sub Machine Gun

  • Large Powercell allows high capacity
  • Multiple barrels prevent overheating on rapid fire
  • Can be operated by an individual warrior
  • Has a scope with datalink capability
    • Can be connected to helmet HUDs
  • High volume of fire.
  • Only as damaging as a common blaster rifle.
  • Heavier than a common blaster rifle.
The 'FireStorm' Automatic Squad Blaster is the latest addition to the Madrugar military, being newly certified for the warrior caste. Previously, the Madrugar warriors used semiautomatic weapons for their soldiery, while automatic weapons were reserved for vehicle-mounted devices or static emplacements. With the FireStorm, the Madrugar people are brought more in line with modern combat capability. The plan is to arm one soldier in five with this squad support weapon, enabling them to provide suppressive fire on a scale previously unheard of in Madrugar conflicts. Currently, the FireStorm is restricted to Madrugar citizens of the warrior caste, though some examples have crept up on the black market.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a Madrugar squad support weapon.
Permissions: NA

Technical Information

Affiliation: Madrugar Warrior Caste members
Model: Madrugar 'FireStorm' Automatic Squad Blaster
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Automatic
Material: Standard Blaster Components
Ammunition Type: Large Powercell
Ammunition Capacity: Very Large
Damage Output: Average
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Machine Gun
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