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Approved Ranged Weapon Madrugar Repulsor/Blaster Hybrid Revolving Rifle

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Manufacturer: Madrugar Corporate Entities
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average

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  • Repulsor-powered slugthrower that uses a pulse of repulsor enegy to propel a slug towards a target at supersonic speeds.
  • Ten shot cylinder can be loaded with tungsten slugs, and quickly swapped for replacement cylinders.
  • As the trigger is actuated, the cylinder cycles.
  • Secondary emitter under main barrel allows user to select blaster bolts or non-lethal stun takedowns, and is not reliant on cylinder.
  • Scope provides able aiming assistance, and can be wirelessly linked to Helmet or Tech Spec HUDs.
  • Slugs may do damage in situations where energy weapons will not.
  • Weapon has versatile capability of both kill and stun, doing kinetic damage or energy damage.
  • Repulsor discharge from top barrel is much quieter than either blasters or traditional gunpowder weapons.
  • Unlike blaster bolts, slugs do not provide an illuminated trail back to the person who is firing them.
  • Cylinder provides a limited number of shots before it must be reloaded or replaced.
  • Weapon requires not only the cylinder and its slugs, but also a power cell in the grip.
A common weapon produced by many Madrugar manufacturers, the Hybrid Repulsor/Blaster revolving rifle integrates traditional Madrugar slugthrower technology with the more common blaster technology used by most sentients in the galaxy. The weapon allows the user to choose between kinetic or energy damage, by choosing which barrel will be fired. In addition, the blaster function is selectable between traditional or stun discharges. The dual function of the weapon makes it somewhat more expensive and heavier than dedicated blaster rifles.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a typical Madrugar Hybrid rifle.
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Canon Link: NA
Permissions: N/A
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Madrugar Corporations and Characters
Model: Madrugar Repulsor/Blaster Hybrid Revolving Rifle
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Material: Standard Blaster Components, A Repulsor Emitter, a revolver cylinder, a frame made of duranium, and organic wood stock and grip elements.
Ammunition Type: Power cell and tungsten slugs
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Damage Output: High
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Carbine
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