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Approved Armor Madrugar 'Vacsafe Elite Class III' Laborer Protective Suit

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Manufacturer: Multiple Madrugar Corporations and Manufactories
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Average

Image Source:, prompted by me​
The Vacsafe Elite brand is a common one among Madrugar spacers, tending to be purchased by those Madrugar in the Upper Middle Class, who can afford a suit with more than minimal utility. Rather than being the product of a specific company, it is a pattern available from many Madrugar manufactories, based on a design approved by the government as 'representative of Madrugar quality.' Each manufactory may add stylistic embellishments or alterations that do not impact the basic function of the armor. Most Laborers who can afford the Vacsafe elite line choose to purchase it, to showcase their success and esteem in their chosen field. It is also a good, effective piece of spacer protection. The Class III version replaces the duranium thread underlayer of typical models with an ultrachrome weave. This provides better protection against high energy forces, even lightsabers. Though, Laborers are cautioned to avoid any situation where lightsaber combat may be occurring.

  • Protective space-suit provides good protection against threats.
  • Laborer suit has wide-ranging and versatile utility
  • Prolonged lighsaber contact may cause the entire ultrachrome protective weave underlayer to melt, causing burn damage to the occupant.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To represent a piece of typical Madrugar protective equipment
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Canon Link: NA
Permissions: NA
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Madrugar corporations and characters
Model: Madrugar 'Vacsafe Elite Class III' Laborer Protective Suit
Modular: Yes
Material: Typical space suit components, Typical armor components
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: High
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: High
Other Resistance(s):

Lightsaber - High
EMP/ION - High
Elemental - High

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