Full name: Maethon Hestror
Species: Near-human
Age: 24
Human height: 6'2" or 1.9 meters
Human weight: 175 pounds
Hair color: Golden
Eye color: Emerald Green
Complexion: Light
Force sensitive: Yes
Factions: N/A
Rank: N/A
In the works
Sense Abilities:
Force Sense - Master
Precognition - Adept
Alter Abilities:
Emerald Lightning - Master
Force Deflection - Intermediate
Force Enhanced Physical Feats - Master
Push/Pull - Master
Effect Mind- Advanced
Telekinesis - Master
Other Abilities:
Force Burst - Intermediate
Strengths and Weaknesses
Knowledgeable - Has good knowledge of the force and of the galaxy and its inhabitants.
Knight - A powerful fighter loyal to his beliefs.
Excessive Pride - Has a great amount of pride that can get in the way.
Callous - Colder than hoth.
Dual White Lightsabers
Copper colored battle armour
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