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Approved NPC Magellian Venjuta

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Intent: To Create A NPC For Roleplays

Image Credit: Here

Role: Friend

Links: N/A


Age: 634

Force Sensitivity: Yes, Witch Spellweaver

Species: Sanguinius Vampirika / Vahla Hybrid


Like all members of the species, and the Venjuta Bloodline, she has alabaster skin. She has red long hair, a predominate trait from the Vahla genes, and stands at 1.83 meters; along with an athletic style build. Her eyes are green, a by-product of the mixing of the Vahla and Sanguinius Vampiric genes, which is also a Venjuta Bloodline trait.


Name: Magellian Venjuta, Senator of Serenno

Loyalties: Count Marlow Venjuta, The Venjuta Bloodline


Her wealth is enormous, since like most of the Venjuta Bloodline they had time to amass their fortunes over hundreds, if not thousand, of years. Also, being a close friend to the Count of House Venjuta, Marlow Venjuta, she had been granted permission to hold stocks in Venjuta Industries, thus making her one of the only few to be considered a shareholder of the company.

Notable Possessions: N/A


Like those of the Venjuta Bloodline that embrace their Force ability, she has knowledge of both Sith and Dathomir Magic, focusing on Illusionary spells. Because she, like all Venjuta Bloodline, all hybrids (Vahla) are born with the Dark Side, which hampers her ability to use Light Side Force abilities.

As a Senator, she is not trained in any combat or specific weapons outside the ability to use a blaster pistol.


Her personality is a result of her Bloodline, which is looked upon by other Bloodlines and those that have had dealings with her as snobby, narcissistic, and uptight. She is not very friendly to those outside her Bloodline, but due in part to her career as a Senator, she can play the game of fakes smiles and polite comments.


Weapon of Choice: The Force. Occasionally a small holdout blaster.

Combat Function:

She avoids combat the best she can, but in the event she has to fight; she fights with tenacity and ferocity. Considered an Illusionist, she prefers to "hide" rather than fight. However, since she is a Senator, rarely is she seen in situations of combat; and is usually surrounded by armed guards.


Born in 216 ABY on the sovereign planet of Serenno, the young hybrid was already being primed to become the Senator, and House Venjuta's representative, of the respected planet. Learning proper etiquette and politics as she grew up, she quickly began to intercede herself in Serenno's political stance and movements. Like all the Venjuta Bloodline, her home was filled with countless tomes, books, and reading materials throughout the massive library; earning her education in this manner. All Venjuta, it was safer to homeschool the children than enroll them in learning institutes. However, when they reached a certain age (18 by standard galactic years) they were allowed to enroll in universities on other planets.

Having limited contact with Marlow Venjuta as children, it was at the Coruscant University of Business and Art that they formed a bonding friendship. Learning of their friendship, their parents attempted to pair them together, but the two felt their friendship was stronger than any bond of romantic love; though they harbor a deep desire for one another.

When Marlow Venjuta began lobbying for the Bloodline to feast on only the evil doers, a concept met with staunch resistance, she was the first to embrace his idea, and like the Count she too only fed off the wicked. When she was appointed Senator of Serenno, Marlow's Father appointed her to be the House's representative even though she was not a direct decedent of his bloodline. While she was away on Corsucant, Marlow was appointed Count of House Venjuta, and took over ownership of Venjuta Industries; allowing her to become a devout shareholder of his family's company.

The two are nigh inseparable, earning joking mockeries from the members of both House Venjuta and the members of the Venjuta Bloodline that they should marry.
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