Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Magister Teron Baelmon

"When something is labeled 'forbidden', it makes it all the more tantalizing to discover."
| Social Information |
  • Name: Teron Baelmon
  • Alias: N/A
  • Titles: Magister of the University of Coruscant
  • Homeworld: Kuat
  • Living Situation: Juranno, Alderaan
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Marital Status: Single/Divorced
  • Force Sensitive: No
  • Force Rank: N/A
  • Force Alignment: N/A
  • Voice Sample: Charles Dance

| Physical Information |
  • Species: Human
  • Races: Kuati
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 39
  • Height: 6'2
  • Weight: 174 lbs
  • Eye Color: Gray
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Skin Pigmentation: Caucasian

| Affiliations |
  • Galactic Republic
  • National Imperialist Party

| Relationships |
  • Ex-Spouse: Valery Sode

Personality: A cold and calculating individual, Teron Baelmon has no room in his being for humor or compromises. Teron is seemingly incapable of expressing true emotion, never publicly expressing anger, or sorrow, or joy, but rather a constant cold demeanor that has become iconic of his teaching methods. He tolerates nothing short of absolute professionalism, and will unfairly punish those that have wronged him, no matter how small or petty the slight.

An admirer of ancient history, Teron has become increasingly obsessed with forbidden lore, such as Sith texts and scrolls. However; he cannot openly display his queer fascination with Sith culture, and thus has to gather his hobby in secret. Luckily for him, the recent taking of Coruscant by the Sith has given him a bold opportunity to have first hand experience with the real deal.

Appearance: Teron is average when it comes to the height of a human, him being six foot two inches tall. His features are substantially average for a Human, with a face mostly free of marks and neck-length black-gray hair. His hard, gray eyes hold no compassion or humor, and his mouth is permanently set into a menacing scowl that screams "Don't both me". He commonly wears a black shirt with a dark brown coat, a leather belt, cloth pants, and a set of comfortable shoes.

History: From an early age, Teron loved to learn new things, and always learned them quicker than most. He excelled in school on his homeworld of Kuat, but found that if he stayed there he would never truly rise up as a middle-class individual in a society ruled by a matriarchy. After completing his basic education, he utilized some of his family's assets and left Kuat for Coruscant, where he believed he could truly find his lot in life. He enrolled in the University of Coruscant, and barely made it through by taking on multiple jobs to pay for his tuition.

Soon after graduating the University Teron married Valery Sode, a woman he had worked extensively with during his time at the University. They settled down, each trying to expand upon the knowledge they had gained from their educations to further their desired careers. Eventually Teron found himself back at the University, but as a professor rather than a student, while his wife found her own career in politics. Teron himself became interested in politics, but his career at the university consumed most of his free time, and soon enough him and his wife began to slowly grow apart.

They eventually divorced, and Teron fell into a state of depression that threatened to consume his entire being. He eventually found solace in researching obscure and forbidden lore, despite the urging of one of his colleagues not to continue down that path. He ignored his friend's advice, and continued to search for more and more forbidden pieces of literature and artifacts in secret. On the eve of his thirty-ninth birthday, Teron became a magister of the University of Coruscant, and not three weeks later the One Sith laid siege to the galactic center.

Fascinated with what the Sith stood for, and from what he had read of the Old Empire that had rested in the Tingle Arm, Teron pounced on this new opportunity and formed the beginnings of his own pro-imperial political party. He dubbed it the "New Order Party", and began to search for like-minded individuals in the Republic that would best support the ideology that he had adopted. He relocated from Coruscant to Alderaan, and began to work on the foundations of his new party.
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*And then the poor [member="Evelynn Zambrano"] remembered she didn't have a voice in which to speak*

[member="Magister Teron Baelmon"]e
Nice to see a teacher. That isn't using the Force. OR teaching Force stuff.

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