Father of Titans
Image Source: Image
Intent: To resubmit the Magmasaber
Development Thread: Original submission
Manufacturer: Morna Imura
Model: Magmasaber
Affiliation: Independent
Modularity: Crystals only
Production: Unique
Material: Phrik, Lava crystal,
Classification: Lightsaber
Size: One-handed, Two-handed,
Length: 40cm
Weight: 500g
Special Features:
- Imura Bloodline: The lightsaber crystal was once used and attuned by Morna Imura. As such, anyone according to the Imura Bloodline can wield this lightsaber. *This is strictly by blood*
- Lava Drip: The lightsaber's blade is attuned to allow the blade to have lava slip out from the blade. Should the wielder not be careful, the lava can harm the user, as much as it could the target. Should someone know Pyrokinesis, Convection, and/or the Fire Shaping arts, they can resist the heat.
A lightsaber that was once forged by the hands of Master Fire Shaper Morna Imura, it was forged using Lava crystals that were grabbed barehanded from beneath a lake of lava. The process of forging the lightsaber and the atonement to the Shapers means that it carries the ability to only be used by the Imura Blood line of direct decent. Meaning that Morna, Nickolas, and his children would be able to use the lightsaber.
With the attunment to the lightsaber crystal, the lightsaber can drop lava from the blade. Known to be a very rare occurrence with the crystals. However, Morna had sucessfully created the lightsaber to create such an effect.
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