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Approved Ranged Weapon Magna Caster-900

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Manufacturer: Frohard's Galactic Firearms's_Galactic_Firearms
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average
  • Manufacturer: Frohard's Galactic Firearms's_Galactic_Firearms
  • Affiliation: None.
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: Frohard's Galactic Firearms Magna Caster-900
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Semi-Unique. (One of the known users: Adi'ka Awaud)
  • Material: Durasteel, magnetic rail gun components, polarizers conductors, high-velocity armour-piercing ammunition.
  • Classification: Magnetic acceleration projectile launcher
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy 7 kg
  • Ammunition Type: Magnetically accelerate ultra-dense bolts
  • Ammunition Capacity: Small. Case capacity of 10 shots. 1 Kg
  • Effective Range: Long Range
  • Rate of Fire: Low, single shot
  • Damage Output: High, Very High
  • Recoil: Average
  • Silent and without visible special effects in spite of rail gun features
  • Armour piercing
  • very effective vs. energy shields
  • Silenced
  • No visible muzzle flash or line of fire
  • low fire rate
  • complex maintenance
  • comparatively heavy
  • very weak against particle shields
While initially designed to attempt to duplicate the Wookiee bowcasters lethality and simplicity of dealing heavy damage to heavily armored targets, the Magna caster-100 ultimately could not compete with the bowcasters explosive quarrels and raw power. The Magna Caster-900 however is the advanced version witha serious punch in each shot by incorporating of Verpine technology.

The Magna Caster-900 is a whisper quiet antimaterial rifle who could punch through heavy body armor and light to medium armored vehicles, and its quarrels lack the glow of the characteristic energy sheath that bowcasters imbued.

It is a popular weapon of choice by GA Commandos, law enforcement snipers or assassins, who prefer it for its ability to silently take out an enemy invisibly at long range.
The uselessness of normal personal energy shields against the accelerated bolts is a bonus.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Modern version of the classic Magna Caster-100
Image Source(s):
Permissions: None

Technical Information

Affiliation: Adi'ka Awaud; commisoned for commados, LEA or the black market.
Model: Frohard's Galactic Firearms Magna Caster-900
Modular: No
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Single Shot
Material: Durasteel, magnetic rail gun components, polarizers conductors, high-velocity armour-piercing ammunition.
Ammunition Type: Magnetically accelerate ultra-dense bolts
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: Low
Ranged Class: Sniper Rifle
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Adi'ka Awaud Adi'ka Awaud

Very cool sub! However if you want to keep this: "No visible muzzle flash or line of fire" you have to modify the production scale to Semi-Unique (once Tefka modify the permissions in this section), because this is a stealth technology, this means Restricted and this can be only Semi-Unique.
Adi'ka Awaud Adi'ka Awaud

Very cool sub! However if you want to keep this: "No visible muzzle flash or line of fire" you have to modify the production scale to Semi-Unique (once Tefka modify the permissions in this section), because this is a stealth technology, this means Restricted and this can be only Semi-Unique.
Changed to semi-unique.
And I made the rifle a little bit heavier even if SCIFI-materials should be lighter than today's sniper rifles, because it is still a rail gun.
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