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Magnus Deshra

Magnus Deshra


NAME: Magnus Deshra


SPECIES: Zeltron

AGE: 30

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'9"

WEIGHT: 165lbs

EYES: Bright Yellow


SKIN: Pink



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+Mandalorian Will: Magnus is extremely stubborn and fiercely independent, as are most of his people, giving him a drive beyond what is usual for most soldiers or scientists.
+The Prodigy: Magnus is incredibly intelligent and considered one of the brightest minds in the galaxy, finding complicated subjects simple to grasp in comparison to most people.
+Quick Learner: Magnus is swift to pick up a new subject and too stubborn to not become at least proficient in it.
+Born in the Saddle: Having been practically raised around and using ships, Magnus is a highly skilled pilot and talented fighter ace.
+Down the Sights: Being someone who practices and trains often, Magnus is a good shot with a blaster, paricularly at long range.
+Grease Monkey: Thanks to being a rabid collector of old guns and tech, Magnus has become highly skilled with repairing and maintaining equipment, weapons and ships.

-Light Frame: Though no slouch by any means, Magnus is lighter in build than a muscular man of his height and body type, perhaps due to a mix of his special and genetic heritage.
-FNG: Though he's experienced combat and war, he is much less experienced in it than would be expected of a Mandalorian his age.
-Not with a Bang: Beneath his independent exterior, Magnus is scared of dying; not in a fight, but the opposite; to disease, hunger, or worst of all old age, an enemy he can't ever fight.
-Forever Young: Thanks to his innate fear, Magnus has become obsessed with the idea of attaining immortality; the obsession that drives him to his various fields of study and great focus on them.


Despite the reputation that Mandalorians have, Magnus is the opposite of what one could expect; he is pretty. Having even been a model on Zeltros, he is considered very attractive by the standards of most human or near-human people, even after shaving his head in an attempt to look more 'conventional'. He is lean and in good shape, tending to hide his face and body beneath his armour whenever possible.


Magnus was born on Zeltros, like many of his people. His childhood was relatively uneventful, being raised by two loving parents in one of the smaller cities on the party planet. As he approached into his teen years, things became much easier for him for a time; he was highly intelligent and attractive, garnering a lot of attention and becoming a semi-famous model thanks to endorsements from popular brands in the city. Magnus had everything anyone could ever want, and even seemed to have few people jealous of him.

Things changed as a rapid influx of partygoing tourists brought an alien disease onto the planet. The epidemic swept quickly through the city's poorer areas and even into the affluent ones, striking both Magnus and his parents early into the plague. Though his parents were quickly taken, Magnus somehow survived, suffering intense trauma from the incident. Rather than move on, he shrank inward. Considered a troublemaker as he constantly lashed out, letting his negative emotions run free as was considered taboo on Zeltros, Magnus was eventually thrown out by every landlord and employer he could find, and turned to begging.

Magnus grew more bitter, having been just shy of finishing his education and gaining the recognition and qualifications needed to turn his life around when the plague struck. When he begged a passing mercenary for money, the armed passerby decided to try and teach him a lesson, beating him senseless before realizing Magnus had slipped his blaster away in the struggle and had it pointed at him. Admiring the kid's spirit, and realizing his situation, the mercenary decided to take the wayward Zeltron under his wing.

Revealing himself to be a Mandalorian, and soon Magnus' new father, Magnus learned a great many things from the man he had considered shooting not long ago. He wa given a new reason to live, and a greater purpose; to fight and live well, to live by the tenents all true Mandalorians had for centuries. He caught on quickly, though his traumas still wracked his mind even as he trained and learned. He saw how disease had ripped everything from him, and began to see the proud Mandalorian who he followed begin to succumb to his own ravages; those of age.

The Mandalorian had already been old when he adopted Magnus, and he was dead not long after Magnus had become capable enough to strike out on his own. The death of his beloved mentor only made Magnus' fear worse; he wanted to live and die the way a Mandalorian should, for the man that saved his life and to make him proud if for nothing else. Yet, he feared the death that had taken away everyone he loved, and would take away all in time.

Seeing little solace in his clan and wishing to gain more experience of life to fuel his research, Magnus left on good terms in an old model ship he fixed up himself. Using the skills he learned, he would have to balance along what he wanted and what was right in the Mandalorian way; to keep his youthful body, and not to lose his soul.

VCX-350 Light Freighter




Model 434 Blaster Pistol 'DeathHammer'
A powerful compact Blaster Pistol, the Model 434 earned the nickname 'DeathHammer' from its loyal customers thanks to the Durasteel plating that made the blaster weightier and serious stopping power that rivalled that of a Blaster Rifle. Magnus' 434, like many owners' is somewhat customized, including a comfort grip and custom design that includes a Mandalorian sigil on the side.
MK II Paladin Blaster Rifle
Known for its use by the Senate Guard of the Old Republic in its waning days, the MK II Paladin has both single shot and rapid fire capacity, along with a stun setting and included stun prod. For ease of storage and use, all models also came with collapsable stocks included.
X-45 Sniper Rifle
The X-45 was developed by Sorosuub, and thanks to lack of documentation and conflicting testimonies, it is unknown who developed this sporting rifle over 800 years ago. The bolt of this weapon is intentionally overfocused in the barrel, resulting in a far thinner bolt that also packs a much higher power behind it; this allows for quick and discreet killing, an aspect which made the rifle popular with assassins as well as Magnus today. The X-45 comes with an included case to be stored in, as the weapon can be folded up for that purpose.
BlasTech Light Repeating Blaster
Developed based on the already running model of a successful riot gun, this weapon was designed to be a more compact and manouverable answer to the T-21 Repeating Blaster. With a high rate of fire and adequate stopping power, the Light Repeating Blaster is perfect in short to mid-range firefights, and able to supplement a variety of different squad-based and battlefield roles.

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