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Approved Melee Weapon Mahsa's Force Dagger

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Manufacturer: Mahsa (with Drifter's guidance)
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Very Light
Melee Type:
  1. Dagger
Size: Average

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  • Force Blade
    Its permanent connection with the Force ensures this dagger remains stronger and sharper than others made of the same alloy. When activated the blade emits a soft golden glow as energy circles through it.

  • Kasha Crystal
    A crystal traditionally used by Cerenas for meditation was shaped into a medallion and fused with the dagger for additional support. Its connection to the Force enables its calming properties to keep the wielder calmed and focused during combat.

  • Phrik
    Made of a durable metallic compound this dagger can certainly take a beating and perform well under suboptimal scenarios. Its resistance to lightsabers combined with its ability to disperse lightning give this knife an edge against any creatures or spirits with strong ties to the Dark side of the Force.

  • Not Your Typical Dagger
    Thanks to the phrik metallic compound used to forge the blade this dagger is able to resist and parry lightsaber strikes in combat. The alloy also grants it the ability to disperse electricity, and a stab from it could damage—and potentially destroy—even the most stubborn of dark side spirits.

  • Eye of the Storm
    Thanks to the kasha medallion embedded into the hilt of the blade and infused with the Force this dagger is able to clear the mind of its wielder, preventing most distractions from disrupting their concentration even during tense combat.

  • Careful With That
    The unexpected lightness for a dagger of its size can throw off many who wield it, disrupting their attacks and momentum if they lack the proper practice or experience. Its short range would also place its wielder at a considerable disadvantage against most melee weapons.

  • Just Another Phrik Dagger
    Like anyone and anything this dagger isn’t immune to disruptions and, in some extreme cases, full nullification of its connection to the Force. In such cases the blade becomes no different from any other phrik weapon, losing access to its calm and grounding capabilities.

One of the many blades crafted by Micah Talith Micah Talith during his teenage years, average in size though quite light in weight due to the phrik used to forge the dagger. The blade and the crystal had been stashed away among the many knickknacks and treasures he has collected during his lifetime, stuffed into one of the many boxes used for storage inside Kalee's Shadow and forgotten, until a certain padawan crossed his path one day.

Mahsa’s still uncertain as to what compelled Drifter Drifter to be so kind to her, but with his guidance she was able to infuse the dagger and the kasha medallion that now adorns it with the Force. To this day it remains as one of her fondest possessions, and she’s eternally grateful to the man for such a precious gift and lesson.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Sub Mahsa's Force Dagger
Permissions: Phrik dagger & kasha medallion gifted by Drifter, imbued with the Force by Mahsa

Technical Information

Affiliation: Mahsa
Model: Force Phrik Dagger - Kasha Crystal
Modular: Yes
Material: Phrik
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