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Approved Melee Weapon Mahsa's Lightsaber & Shoto

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Manufacturer: Mahsa & Ayhan
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average
Melee Type:
  1. Lightsaber
Size: Average

Designed and rendered by Dax Perl.

  • Angraal Crystal
    The crystal provide a soothing effect to keep Mahsa grounded against stressful situations or when flooded by negative emotions, though they're unable to fully counter their effects in its entirety. In addition the crystal facilitates Mahsa's connection to the Lightside of the Force, enabling her to remain focused longer than expected for a padawan while providing an additional layer of defense to her mind from outside forces. Though the reason behind this unique feature of Angraal Crystals is still unknown both blades are able to cut through the normally lightsaber resistant cortosis as if it were as if it were another type of metal.

  • Synthweave Tsuka-Ito Wrapping
    A sword handle wrapping technique passed down through history that Mahsa picked up while in Atrisia, and one that she continues to practice constantly in the hopes of mastering it. The fireproof and electrically non-conductive fabric used for it provides a non-slip grip for her blades, absorbing sweat and enhancing the overall handling of both lightsaber and shoto, so she can perform her movements without fear of losing her grip on them.
  • Knife Through Butter
    Both blades are able to cut through cortosis with ease, providing an element of surprise to unsuspecting enemies that might be overconfident due to the material's known resistance to lightsabers.

  • Made to Order
    With guidance from her Echani master, and the assistance of Ayhan Ayhan , both hilts have been made to the correct size and proportion for Mahsa's hands. This in turn makes them feel like an extension of her arms, enhancing the dexterity and fluidity of movements that her species is known for.
  • Together, Never Apart
    Having spent most of her time training with both lightsaber and shoto Mahsa would be at a considerable disadvantage if either one were missing from her grasp.

  • Reach and Flexibility
    No matter how nimble Mahsa might be her lightsaber and shoto will always be restricted to the same constrain every other melee weapon has, and there's a limit to the distance they're able to cover in order to reach their targets... and throwing them isn't a trustworthy strategy.
Ever since the Jedi welcomed them into their fold young Mahsa sought to do everything she could to repay the debt she felt was owed. Although her short life experiences had taught her to survive she'd never had the proper instruction of another until she was paired with Master Ioti Jigora. With the Echani's guidance she began to learn about the various forms, identifying the padawan's strength and weaknesses during the process.

While forms like Makashi
and Ataru came easy to Mahsa she struggled heavily with the defensive style of Soresu. Eventually her master decided she was better suited to dual wield a shoto along her lightsaber and, after her old lightsaber was wrecked during the invasion of the Jedi Temple in Coruscant, the opportunity to craft her new blades arose.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Sub Mahsa's Lightsaber & Shoto
Image Source(s):
Permissions: Angraal crystal gifted by Drifter

Technical Information

Affiliation: Mahsa
Model: Mahsa's Lightsaber & Shoto (Angraal Crystal)
Modular: Yes
Material: Aluminum hilt with synthweave tsuka-ito wrapping
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