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Character Major Bennett Hall [Heavy WIP]

Bennett Hall


Will add coding soon

NAME: Bennett Jonathan Hall

FACTION: New Imperial Order / Free Imperial State of Galidraan

RANK: Major


AGE: 48

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'10"

WEIGHT: ~170 lbs.

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Greying Blonde

SKIN: Caucasian


+Veteran Soldier and Survivalist
+Charismatic Leader
~Leader From the Front


Major Bennett is of average height, athletically slim from from his years as a ranger.

Born on Hartania in 816 to a couple of colonists, his father a military engineer and his mother a combat nurse. Life on the frontier of the Galidraani diaspora in the unconquered wilderness of Hartania prepared Bennett Hall for his harsh life as an infantryman. As a boy he served in the cadet branch of the Hartania Defense Force, then when he enlisted in the defense force as a young man he became a ranger, working to survey and tame the vast wilderness of the planet. Fighting the planets natives in every kinda of terrain Hartania has given him an excellent knowledge of Alpine and Cold-Weather warfare, as well as knowledge of guerilla tactics.

When the New Imperials called upon them to liberate the mother country of Galidraan, the Hartanian Defense Force rose to the challenge and has recently merged with the Galidraani army-in-exile.

Major Hall is the Deputy Commander of the 5th Infantry Battalion, nicknamed he Black Bears, or The Bears for short, which is one of the few Battalions made up entirely by Hartanians. Ben's charisma as a leader and his ability to stir up a sense of pride and patriotism in his soldiers means many would follow him through hell, and plan to as they join the fight against the Sith. But at the same time, the ambition and romanticism that are fueled by his desire to prove the Hartanians' worth is often of grander design than is warranted.

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