Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Major Faction Application

As we near our one month, a week away now, I'll throw up a Major Application here for tweaks, feedback and suggestions from you guys.


Name: The Commonwealth

OOC Heirarchy:

  • Horus
  • Winslow
  • Rayce Tharelle
IC Heirarchy:
The Commonwealth is a stratocracy, a government ruled by military chiefs. Senior authority is left at the hands of the Security Council, led by chiefs from each three branches of the military. Marine Corps, Navy and Intelligence. From there generals and admirals govern planets. The hierarchy of the Commonwealth, like all aspects of the Commonwealth, revolve around the military.

Requested Planets:

  • Alexandria [Capital]
  • Gannaria
  • G'rho
Interested Members:
[member="Alex Roeder"] | [member="Allison Martha Iversson"] | [member="Cadmon Lussk"] | [member="Cait Falcor"] |
[member="Isaac Knight"] | [member="Jacky Duzzle"] | [member="Kel Hamner"] | [member="Leonardo Tetuan"] |
[member="Corrax Talrus"] | [member="Eli Brooks"] | [member="Elsan Soban"] | [member="Gna Grimwasp"] |

[member="[/FONT][FONT='courier new']Simone[/FONT][FONT='courier new']"] | [member="Stokely McFadden"] | [member="Tycon Lawrence"] | [member="[/FONT][FONT='courier new']Zee[/FONT][FONT='courier new']"] |
[member="Lieutenant Anat Merrick"] | [member="[/FONT][FONT='courier new']Lorraei[/FONT][FONT='courier new']"] | [member="Maris Jolner"] |
[member="Mia Conner"] | [member="Nara Basaar"] | [member="Silara Varis"] |
[member="[/FONT][FONT='courier new']Winslow[/FONT][FONT='courier new']"] | [member="Zeradias Mant"]

The Commonwealth is a new galactic nation, but one that has gathered ever increasing attention from major galactic powers, from the Mandalorians offer to fight alongside each other during the Omega threat, to the Silver Jedi's request for military aid and the Galactic Alliance opening diplomacy. Already the actions of the Commonwealth can be felt throughout the galaxy.

It's unique style of military strategies and tactics has set it apart from other militarized nations of the galaxy. Unlike the rag-tag forces of the Galactic Alliance, the warrior clans of the Mandalorians or the vast stormtrooper regiments of the First Order, the Commonwealth relies on a blend on Colonial Militia, Marine Corps, Navy and Naval Intelligence.

Unlike galactic standard, the Commonwealth military has forsaken blasters in favor for age-old tradition of slugthrowers, with their devastating firepower at the disadvantage of lugging around vast quantities of ammunition. They fight guerrilla wars and are better suited for ground combat, with their navy fleet possessing only small vessels.

While other powers see bigger as better, the Commonwealth is much like an ants nest, except these are bullet ants, and your big star destroyer just disturbed them. They overwhelm with sheer numbers and firepower, but lack the resources to field an appropriate fleet, thus their fleets are designed around defensive actions, protecting planets and forcing enemy engagements onto the ground where the Commonwealth are at their best.

With over-population at its height the Commonwealth seeks to establish colonies throughout the Unknown and chartering the unknown, for as the Commonwealth has discovered; unknown is not the same as empty. Many enemies lurk on their borders and the Primordial War has only just begun in earnest.

The Pitch:
The Commonwealth is unlike other factions seen on Chaos, it is at its heart a NFU military-focused faction, and this military reverberates across everything in the Commonwealth, such as it's unique political system that sees planets ruled by admirals and generals rather than politicians.

The Commonwealth is an alternative for NFU's than the Mandalorians. Although similarities exist between the two, both consisting of strong warrior / soldier culture, they're distinctly different at its core. Mandalorians are a culture than can be divided, isolated and spread across the galaxy and still rely on one another.

The Commonwealth is different to this in that they rely on strength in numbers and cooperation, their strength vanishes once they're isolated and alone. They don't use clan-based social circles and instead rely on military commanders as quasi-politicians and figures of immense importance in Commonwealth society.

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