Hi, everybody!
I came up with something today, but I'd have to do some research before sharing the idea with people...
If any faction leaders would be so kind to answer the following questions, I'd really appreciate it.

Mostly these questions are to get more information about Major Factions to get to know them better from the political side, but help from Minor Factions' leaders would be welcome, too.
@[member="Cira"] | @[member="Verz Horak"] | @[member="Selena Halcyon"] | @[member="Domino"] | @[member="Feena Mason"] | @[member="Ashin Varanin"] | @[member="Amorella Mae"] | @[member="Ronin Fel"] | @[member="Jaxton Ravos"]
(tagged major faction owners, not all leaders or anything, don't judge me
Thank you!
I came up with something today, but I'd have to do some research before sharing the idea with people...
- What faction do you lead?
- What is the system of government of the faction?
- How does the government work ICly?
- How does the government work OOCly?
- What is the religious body of this faction, if there is one?
- What side of the Force does the religious body use?
- Is there anything special (weird, unique, futuristic, etc.) about the faction (compared to the galactic standard)?
- Is there anything special (weird, unique, futuristic, etc.) about the faction's religious body (compared to the galactic standard)?
- How much does the faction resemble a real-life state/country judging by elections, ministries, civil rights, economy, political rights, head of state, symbols, judicial stuff, etc? Please compare the faction to an average RL country.
Mostly these questions are to get more information about Major Factions to get to know them better from the political side, but help from Minor Factions' leaders would be welcome, too.
@[member="Cira"] | @[member="Verz Horak"] | @[member="Selena Halcyon"] | @[member="Domino"] | @[member="Feena Mason"] | @[member="Ashin Varanin"] | @[member="Amorella Mae"] | @[member="Ronin Fel"] | @[member="Jaxton Ravos"]
(tagged major faction owners, not all leaders or anything, don't judge me
Thank you!