Wilhelm Rehm

[My friends, it has often been said that I like war. My friends, I like war... No, friends, I love war!]
NAME: Wilhelm Rehm
FACTION: Galactic Empire
RANK: Major in the First Galactic Empire
SPECIES: Human [Heavily augmented]
AGE: roughly 800 years old due to methods to keep alive [Looks in his early to mid 30s]
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5’9”
WEIGHT: 200lbs
EYES: Dark Blue Eyes
HAIR: Short Blond hair
SKIN: Caucasian
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strength: [Unbreaking will] The Major has a will that would impress even some force users giving him a confidence few can match and fewer still can break. His will is what defines him above all else. To him the will is what makes a sentient being vs a monster or a mindless beast. Lacking a will means one lacks what it means to be sentient let alone worthy of respect.
Strength: [Leader of Men] Wilhelm was always charismatic but he later honed his skills to that of almost a perfect mini cult around himself. Granted this required those who believed in his views to truly be his most devoted he learned even to the none believers of it to gain trust and lead men anywhere with little problem. His charisma, speaking confidence and the respect earned from his men makes him a presence able to grab attention.
Strength: [Strategic Thinker] while good with tactics where the Majors strongest point lies is in strategy and long term planning. Here he knows the workings of such things with great skill and a mastery above his rank.
Weakness: [Insane] Over time due in part of the drastic steps to keep himself alive this long and the fact mortal men were never meant to live centuries the Mind of Wilhelm has become a depraved one. The man now has become single minded in his pursuit of conflict. Those who spent more than a day or two around him will find his veneer of cultured and dignified self covers up his desire to see conflict rage across the galaxy. A man who will just as easily kill his own men if he feels it necessary. This means that for all his brilliance his motives and operating procedures can to some seem outlandish making it harder for him to get along with some of the higher ups he is likely to meet. This also has caused him to be prone to withdraws from others for some periods in his thinking answering only as required.
Weakness: [Overweight] while an officer Wilhelm has become overweight and thus no longer is as effective in a real fight as he was once. Despite his augmentations keeping him in shape so to speak he appears like a fat over eating male and this often means he rarely is seen pointing a blaster at people in the field of battle mostly because he likely would be far less effective than his own troops. Suffice to say his augments kept him alive they did not make him a super soldier.
Weakness: [Obsession with war]: While his love of war in all forms makes him good at it, this also means he has no care on if he's losing or winning sometimes finding merely the act of war itself gratifying. This can lead to problems if he chooses not to correct something simply to see a rare wartime event he loves so much.
APPEARANCE: as depicted above the Major is himself a overweight man with glasses and a always well kept uniform.
BIOGRAPHY: Having grown up on Corsaunt Wilhelm grew up with a love of the armed forces in the republic. He always found himself making model ships and gushing over the latest equipment. When he came of age he joined newly formed Imperial Army forming it’s early officers core group having been in the Republic armed forces briefly before the change But as War continued on and brutal campaigns kept moving the intelligent and bright young man became a efficient brutal officer. His storm troopers fought in many skirmishes and full on battles with resistance forces and CIS remnants. For years he fought the rebellion that came up and helped direct projects on augmentation and extension of life for soldiers who had suffered damage due to combat. In doing this he found his own path to long life, augmenting himself beyond all sanity. Becoming more machine than man he managed to use his resources to continue to look like himself. But there was a cost, his prototype designs were not battle systems and this meant they did little to make him better in combat if at all. With time and age maintained only keeps them running normally and without the Empires resources he never got to expand upon these technologies further. With the fall of the Empire after Jakku his battalion and others on the Imperial Victory Class cruiser Unwavering Brilliance flew out and scavenged and hid over the centuries
Using Crew rotations in cryo sleep allowed the major to watch over his men while keeping himself and the ship going. But time of this length drove the major mad. Perhaps he always was mad but now it’d merely broken the surface? It was hard to say but the Major now wanted only one thing. War. Not against just the Rebels or Jedi or anyone else. War for Wars sake. His officers storm troopers and ship crew who survive all follow the same view. Now they seek to return home to the Empire and hopefully back to their beloved War.
One Badly worn down Imperial Cruiser Victory Class