Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Make a character for Fatty, and role play with him please!

Well-Known Member
So I just graduated from Basic and am now in AIT, that means I have access to internet, which means I have some limited amount of free time I may choose to spend here, elsewhere, or at the gym.

It has been a long time since I've written at this point however, and I need something fresh to jump into, so a little assistance is asked! I want a fresh face to figure out, and I want to see what people would like me to try out, so shoot some ideas out there!

Some considerations:
  • I love aliens!
  • (though with that in mind, nothing so niche I wouldn't be able to find a profile picture for it)
  • I like unusual combinations or shaking up stereotypes
  • I would prefer a measure of combat focus
  • I would prefer a non-technical focus so I can focus on writing (I already got a gear-head character for that!)
  • I usually write villains or neutral "heroes", so keep that in mind :)
  • I'm also looking for a faction or group of people to write with!

So, things I would like people to post:
  1. Species - Almost the most important part!
  2. Force - NFU, Light, Neutral, Dark, etc.., some powers to focus on, or restricted from use, etc...
  3. Occupation - Jedi, Sith, Bounty Hunter, Mando, Soldier, Medic, something else, etc...
  4. Group - Your own faction or group, or someone else that you are suggesting!
  5. Idea - Your own personal vision for the character you are suggesting, include as many or as few details as you'd like, just give me something to work off of :)
  6. Quirks - Any oddball thing you wanna through in there just because (optional)

Thank you for reading, I hope I get a few replies! :)
Devaronian Captain

Has a history of misdeeds operating from his frigate of ne'er–do–wells. When his home colony was overrun in a Yuuzhan Vong attack he found himself taking a ship full of civilian passengers and barely escaping with his vessel intact. The ship now follows the vagrant fleet. He struggles to deal with the burden of his helpless passengers and the expectation that he is a voice of leadership and representation for his crew. A hero to few, but still a villain to a great deal more.
Well-Known Member
[member="Xin Boa"] I like it! Great artwork too, 10 points to gryffindor!

[member="Lord Ajihad"] I joined the Army National Guard of Massachusetts! I'm 25B, so I'll be the army's IT guy lol

[member="Darth Carnifex"] Shhhhh! I haven't decided what I'm going to do with him yet, I gotta figure out what he's been doing all this time >.>

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