Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Make it so, Make it so, Say the words that you're famous for.

Sheila was standing there as she composed the datapad, after several hours she had somewhat gotten the hang of it all so she could type up her reports from the different missions and things she had been doing around the galaxy. From the caves with Zreame and Kay where the bounty hunter wanted to have a fourway. To the infiltrator and exfiltration of Iridonia with Kay where they got blood diamonfs for their own personal use and then went on wild and crazy adventures back on her home planet. There was her wild time with Morgana as they infiltrated the hutts palace to stop a spice and weapons shipment. Then there was the time with Zreame and their adventures on Maramere, constructing her lightsaber with Morgana as they continued their adventures throughout the galaxy. Her excitement for her master to see coming through while she finished and had it all composed with some of the details before she was sitting there with her saber on her hip and her ashlan wolf Justin was laying next to her.

[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
She looked at what her apprentice had shown her, it was true she was ready. She rose up, and told her apprentice to kneel before her. She smiling broadly, she was about make someone a knight of the vitae alliance. This did make her happy, after all what was the point having apprentices if they could not graduate.
[member="Sabrina Kotass"]

Sheila looked at her master who was there now and she fluttered up as she panted a little though wanting to eat and hearing her stomach growl while she bowed. "Master, I have all of my adventures and missions in a report." The ones where her master had been with her as the Vitae order were expanding weren't in there... her master had been there to see her do things.

Apprentice I said kneel She need her to kneel down, so she could wave her lightsaber on either side of her shoulders. Though she had to be far enough away so not to damage her wings, as they did look more than a little fragile.
[member="Sabrina Kotass"]

Sheila looked at her and went to the floor as she was there kneeling for her master. She raised her head and was looking upon her as the smallest thing in the room before her ashlan was looking upon her panting just a little. "Yes master."

She stood up lite up her lightsaber, it cast a long shadow near the small apprentice. She then slowly moved her lightsaber from one side of her to other, smiling as she did. Then after doing the motions, she said in faint but happy voice, Arise a Knight of the alliance, go and have fun, you have earnt it. Outside in the courtyard people were waiting, to congratulate her on her new title and responsibility.
[member="Sabrina Kotass"]

Sheila heard her master and gave a nod of her head as she looked up and shot into the air with a small laugh that sounded like silver bells and she was moving about the room. She had such a new world to explore and things to learn while she was pushing herself to celebrate.

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