Jedi Pixie
Sheila was standing there as she composed the datapad, after several hours she had somewhat gotten the hang of it all so she could type up her reports from the different missions and things she had been doing around the galaxy. From the caves with Zreame and Kay where the bounty hunter wanted to have a fourway. To the infiltrator and exfiltration of Iridonia with Kay where they got blood diamonfs for their own personal use and then went on wild and crazy adventures back on her home planet. There was her wild time with Morgana as they infiltrated the hutts palace to stop a spice and weapons shipment. Then there was the time with Zreame and their adventures on Maramere, constructing her lightsaber with Morgana as they continued their adventures throughout the galaxy. Her excitement for her master to see coming through while she finished and had it all composed with some of the details before she was sitting there with her saber on her hip and her ashlan wolf Justin was laying next to her.
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[member="Sabrina Kotass"]