
Queen Makeeda Surah; maiden name Lurrz
Queen of T’Chaka; Elite Hunter warrior, wife of Valdas Surah
AGE: 32
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’ 9”
WEIGHT: 140 Ilbs
EYES: Amber
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Black
+Physically Fit and Athletic
+Highly Trained in Combat and survival situations
+Political Power as Queen of her planet and people
-Not too trusting of others
-Often lets her curiosity get the better of her
When not in her royal robes Makeeda, which is usually silken and flowing, she’ll be in her Hunter’s uniform which is orange and black. It allows for her flexibility when in combat. Around her neck she always wears her necklace made from the teeth of her first slain predatory animal.

(T'Chaka Royal Symbol)
The Family Clan of Lurrz had always been not much more than simple merchants on T’Chaka for generations. Trading in goods such as clothing, jewelry and furs the Lurrz family had made a stable living through this profession. However, like any trend that last for too long, eventually one member of the family had wanted to progress beyond this standard and become something greater. And it started with Jutara Lurrz, the grandfather of Makeeda Lurrz.
He’d felt that serving his kingdom and his respected king and queen would be better suited by actually defending them, thus sparking his want to be a Hunter. The Hunters were the elite members of T’Chakan military who also served as royal guards to the monarchy. Jutara had begun his training when he was only fifteen, among some of the youngest in history. Over the years he’d begun his progression through the ranks into becoming a Hunter. By the time he’d reached twenty-one his dream was realized as he was granted the title after overcoming all the trials, making him the first of the Lurrz family clan to receive the honor.

(Young Jutara Lurrz)
However his son, Gudara, had opted not to follow in his father’s footsteps. Knowing the enduring trials and responsibility that came with being a Hunter, and an Elite at that, Gudara had wanted to lead a simpler life and raise a family. While his father had conceited to his son’s wishes that didn’t stop him from trying to convince his granddaughter, Makeeda, to consider the role.
Growing up Jutara told his granddaughter about all that he’d gone through before becoming a Hunter and when he was finally granted the rank and what he went through as one. The tales had inspired Makeeda to want to become a Hunter, the first female Lurrz to take the trials. Her parents were not as enthusiastic about it but, given her stubborn attitude and want to prove herself, they consented.
After she’d finished her basic studies Makeeda went into the militant training to go from a normal T’Chakan soldier to eventually putting herself forward for the Hunter trials. While normal military training had studied into basic weapons understanding and combat, being a Hunter was more about survival and pushing your body to its limits. The trials and training were enduring to be sure but Makeeda wasn’t going to let that stop her.
However during one of her earlier sessions she’d run into a young man who had been watching her from the sidelines. When she confronted him to know who he was he’d redirected by saying he wasn’t even supposed to be there, but wanted to see what it would be like once he trained as a Hunter. Of course, given that he wasn’t supposed to be there, Makeeda threatened to call the guards but he laughed it off before saying he could see her again. While she was left annoyed she had the oddest feeling she wanted to see him again.
As sure enough she did. For many days during her trials she’d seen him watching her or speaking with some of the other trainees. One a few occasions she’d even seen him training as well, yet apparently when she asked they said how he wasn’t allowed to be a hunter. Confused by this she tried confronting the mysterious boy as to who he really was. Thus a deal was made, if she would finish the trials and be a warrior then he’d tell her who he really was.
After agreeing to this both waited until the final test for the trainees was soon to begin. Makeeda and the other trainees had to go into the wilds of T’Chaka and survive for one week before returning with evidence that they’d killed a powerful animal. All of them had left by the dawn of the first day, saying goodbyes to their families as not all would make it back alive. Makeeda’s family all wished her luck before she and the others were off.
Within the first three days two of the twelves trainees had been killed, some wanting to go back while others like Makeeda told them to stand strong. One of the main parts of the test was working together and staying strong as a group instead of depending on themselves. They’d done so for gathering food and creating a shelter while needing to wait five more days while still trying to claim their kills, which was the one thing they had to do alone.
Into the fifth day of the trials another member was claimed and the others knew they were running out of time. Only one member had managed to claim a trophy, the eye of a crocodile, but the others, including Makeeda, were still in need of theirs. It wasn’t until during the next day, as the group hunted for food, that she’d finally found hers.

(Makeeda running with the herd)
While stalking a heard of antelope for a meal one of the trainees had caused a stampede, leading to the deaths of two more members including herself. Makeeda, caught in the middle, had to run with the antelope if she wanted to survive them. But it had turned out they were also running from a fully grown lion that had spotted the woman among the antelope, figuring for the easiest pray out of the bunch.
It was only through luck and quick thinking that Makeeda had managed to trick the beast into leaping in the air with her spear awaiting it’s belly, the lion landing on it and dying the and there. Makeeda had made the greater kill out of the other trainees, earning her much respect among them. As part of her claimed trophy Makeeda took the teeth from the lion and fashioned a necklace for herself.
Finally, on the last day, the surviving trainees had returned and all with their trophies and thus all of them earning the rank of Hunter. Being told of her accomplishments during the test the seasoned Hunters had offered Makeeda to proceed to the rank of Elite Guard Hunter, something she accepted proudly. Everyone in her family, especially her parents, had been proud of her.
(Hunter's Symbol; only one I could find lol)
The next day, after resting and recovering, Makeeda tracked down the mystery boy she’d made her agreement with. She found him near the royal palace where he’d been informed of her promotion. Upon Makeeda confirming this with him he’d jokingly said how he’d be glad she’d been keeping an eye on him. It was then that Makeeda had realized she had been speaking with Prince Valdas Surah, the royal heir to the T’Chaka throne.
At first Makeeda was so embarrassed and afraid for all the time she’d been rude to him, but Valdas held no grudge for it and instead told how he was worried the news would intimidate her like this. While he’d been there to train as a warrior for the day when he would take the throne he’d not expected to run into Makeeda that day and found her beautiful. Makeeda, surprised to learn that the prince had feelings for her, had agreed to see him both during her guard duties and after.
While both knew that the prince would need to marry a noble’s daughter he objected to this and instead wanted to marry Makeeda, despite his father’s insistence to keep with the tradition. However King Hudan was very sick and dying, which meant soon Valdas would be free to ascend and make his own decisions about the traditions of the throne. While this seemed a perfect opportunity Makeeda had been the one who was reluctant to break the traditions of the T’Chakan throne.
After much convincing from both her family and Prince Valdas Makeeda had agreed that she would marry him and damn the consequences. With Valdas’ ascension to the throne as king he was followed by the new queen of T’Chaka: Makeeda Surah.