Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Making a Retreat

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Nico wasn't always the best for things like this but she had some ideas of how they might be able to improve upon their designs. How they might be able to you know get a few things going for the silver jedi... or at least she would be able to make a contract to better improve the lives. If Saori itself continued to improve, if it continued to have its different aspects beefed up and fulfilled they would be able to do things few others really thought about. Nico was on the forefront of that endeavor trying to get the Hostess club to really open a place that they would be able to showcase their own skills. An amphitheater of sorts that could sit there for all to see and the former slaves who had been doing a great deal would be able to better build themselves up and earn some credits for their lives. Nico had a small grin on her face though while she was thinking about everything around them.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
This world for instance it was nothing inherently special but what they would be able to do on it, something special for others. Something that could be helpful when Nico was looking at all of the areas being workd on and planned. Construction efforts on it, and on the important parts that they were getting. Unlocking the secrets of what they had discovered here on Rhen Var. It was a large jedi ship that they were reverse engineering in the constructed area of his large pit going down like a shaft on mimban. There was a lot going into it and Sasori had needed to reach one of the largest tiers in the galaxy so that it would be able to better have the resources. From the aurodium itself to the massive nova crystals that are able to be used. All of that currency, selling off some of the most expensive hand crafted kimono's made of vine silk. The price alone from te rich of the galaxy for one went into helping easily fund the order as well as construction and reconstruction efforts.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
She could'nt really complain about it though, honestly there was going to be a lot when it came to this, there was going to be a massive amount of work going not just into its construction but there was also the people who would be working here. THankfully they knew Joza who well she rescued slaves, they had skills learned from servitude yes but as a way to earn credits and get a legit job this was something that could and should be looked at. As a means to access the underground tunnels and at the bottom of this shaft was a massive amusement park in a large dome that looked out on everything. Their own version of a hologram fun world. Hardlight projections for in and from the outside you had bright lights and advertisements that would play a part in the invisible market and upgrading it. As if you needed to ask what it took you usually couldn't afford it like many others in the galaxy.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
She was looking at some of the other thing they had here as it went. Entertainment was a key to this as well as the background. The secret passages and rooms that would serve to make this a jedi's sanctuary here in case of problems. WIth small areas built into the architecture so that there were passageways and rooms built into it without being obvious. Nothing to spy but a jedi would be able to come here, rest up and use the crowd to evade enemyies or anything that might be coming. With some of the biggest defenses they could find and a chance for it to be within range of the shield carriers of Voss-Ka. This was the ultimate test of what they would be able to construct and she needed to work on trying to get them contracts with larger groups.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Nico could see more of it, she could see the parts that would become an area the jedi wanted to work on, see parts that the construction would have. Different droids who were looking to give them everythign they would need, different here. Nico had a few more ideas though before she wanted to see the stone work going into it. Marble that was carved and engraved with crystals and painted images that made it look like murals. Places she might be able to walk with some of the interest checks from the others. They were offering places to work as she could see some fo the designs and the different clubs for entertainment they had going into many of the places here. Strangely she was setting up with many more of the areas.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Nico rolled her shoulders, allowing the force and everything else to loosen her up and make her more flexible. Here on the planet it was a little better when she got to see parts of the moons above. The lights were from the main moon, a massive trade hub that others came to see. The goal was to divide the attention and allow those who were legit and good who wanted to be down with the jedi to come to the planet. While the criminals would be on the moon and as such they would be able to better manage and handle weeding them out. A way to minimize the damage to honest and law abiding people as she saw it and at least some of the others agreed with her in that regard. Giving Nico a chance to improve relations with the rulers of the planer.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
The royal family here on the world was well in many ways an impressive lot. They presented an interesting family dynamic on the planet and supported the jedi allowing them to work with the different armies and locations across the world that could serve the jedi themselves as temples or locations without having to buy all of them. It was about a number of deeds that they would need in the city. She could see it standing here off in the distance that was gleaming silver and white walls. The massive tower int he center of it, the sounds carried on the wind intermingling with the sounds of the droids and machines that were working on everything. It was of people and life on the world that allowed Nico to walk around with a smile.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
"So is everything looking better master jedi?" She could hear someone speaking as she turned and saw the atrisian empress, standing tall and she was skinny compared to many others. With muscles and short hair that made her seem a lot taller then she was regularly. Nico stood there looking at her with a grin on her face until she went over and stood there with the woman looking out at the construction efforts. The amusement park that was being made here down there, the shops and all of the alcoves where they were getting different areas for shops. "Yes it is thank you. I know it isn't always easy to see the potential but I know you have been working on a lot more for all of the jedi themselves."

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
The empress herself was looking at her and then at the construction efforts while her bodyguards stood ready for anything and at attention. "Yes it has been more beneficial then with groups like the sith and seeing some of the others who were giving well nothing much. no one comes out here save the silver jedi and that is enjoyable... preferable even. We don't want to have to risk parts of it, I know I would rather we have all of the information and the people on the planet... hell in the system itself to think about. All of us agree that we want to have the production of ships, areas and protection here within the nebula." Nico was looking at her with a nod of her head so that they would be able to check it with droids milling about taking the materials.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
They were taking everything over with them, they were making the construction efforts for the jedi structure while Nico walked with the empress allowing the force energies of the world to breathe around herself. She saw some fo the other things here, they went down one of the lifts that were being worked on and it was a small gravity tube that could be used. Tractors and pressor tubes letting them standing suspended around them but they looked like they were flying around the area to one fo the other levels. Nico touched down there as she arrived, allowing some of the stone work to let them go around here seeing parts of it. The empress had her bodyguards there with her walking around so they could check it all out.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
The different areas that would work for different shops they would be able to show for themselves. She was wanting to see it and with some of the hardlight projectors they could test it out and see what might be needed. The ones who were coming and working with them here in the more interesting parts, with the owners displaying how they would set it up to give them the maximum level of space that they would be requiring for themselves. Nico looked at the empress while she was speaking with a small look on her face. "Empress, I am glad though to say if this endeavor goes well. The Imperial cities commerce should increase after it stabilizes. The less cost for transport, the less risk of dangers while the Ranger's and jedi patrol the moon instead of sending soldiers."

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
The empress seemed to be impressed with them and with what they were doing as she spoke looking around. "Yesit is something that if all goes well would prove most effective. The trade moon is not a bad place but it has become a very dangerous place to station others. So we have been working and looking for ways such as this to allow us to protect the people without risking and having to send forces from planet to the moons." They continued to walk through the area though seeing some of the other places when the empress continued speaking for herself. "THere is also the benefit that compared to some fo the more lucrative solution that is being worked on. With the invisible market and all of the benefits that comes from the highest levels of businessmen and women in the galaxy that don't make themselves public.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Nico had to agree and look at it, staying there as she knew how the invisible market worked. If you had to ask if you could afford the things or what they were doing then you wouldn't be able to and the clients who used it were discreet and some of the most private. Offering a lot more for their protection while not getting into that whole underbelly of the black market that many of the others used. So Nico would at least entertain it and try to ensure it stayed above board in terms of what they could offer here on the planet. As opposed ot the other places that only used the black market and criminals these investors who would be looking to pay a lot more for the needed discretion and private nature would also ensure that this was being one of the most secure places in the galaxy many others wouldn't touch.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Of course as she was thinking about it she wouldn't be able to promise it, the capabilities of the galaxy to fully ignore and bypass the facts amazed her all of the times. With the empress and the bodyguards they stopped at one fo the buildings getting a small grin on her face before she was looking over at it. The building was being made like Karatos on Zeltros for them where they might be able to better handle it. Turning parts of the world over, giving new information for them and with a small grin on her face when the Empress was jioned by her twin daughters. Nico could see her and get a small nod of her head seeing them. around here. Nico was seeing some more of the things that they had worked on with the walls and the platforms for the people that would be dancing as it was several levels.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
The walls of the club were absorbital plating to prevent blaster fire from scarring it. The security beams and weapons scanners designed to prevent foreign weapons from being brough in here if they had managed to be snuck past the main scanners in the mall itself. She could see the metal of the platform with wood pneling to give it a smooth, rustic look that appeared with lights being installed. The hardlight projectors that would obscure and protect the main grav chute the dancers could use to get up and down without having to climb around on the stage and endanger themselves. She could see some of the bars that were all around them with a small look on her face and some interest from the other parts now.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Nico could see a great many things that they had here. Wanting to see some of the structures here until the jedi knight stood there with the empress and her children had come to join them before she could see parts of it. Before going over to the bar where the metal and marble design looked smooth, with the framework being done on it. "THis is all looking beautiful, five levels with the lowest being designed for the dancers and employees that are here and gravity chutes so they can get up to the different levels of the central tower where they are able to get onto the platforms as the dancers." Nico said it and was looking at a few of the other things that they had going on, interest in areas where they could better improve the service and turn around times of everything. She could even see the crystal synthweave being used in the walls to make this structure stronger and resonate with the lightside of the force.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Nico could see more of the work that was going into it as she went up the steps inside to see the other areas of carved stone and reinforce construction. Alcoves where booths were going, provacy emitters that made it so you couldn't listen in on the conversations thankfully and the beams for security were being installed in areas where they had a complete range of coverage here as well as all over the mall itself. Nico also saw the security camera's themselves which was meant to give them better ideas of where they would be able to ensure everyone was safe. Nico had a few other ideas about the security but they would have to continue to work with the empress and her children. The princesses who were here now and taking a small seat in the open area of the VIP section.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Nico was looking at the children and the empress, they were all regal looking even in the simple setting where all of them could sit around and check out the more pristine displays of the club itself. With the largest of the platforms here so the more private VIP sections had a view of the area below but they were also made so that no one else would be coming aorund to bother them or looking in on them. With almost private dance platforms given the spacing and with the chutes on the inside Nico could see some of the other areas of interest that they had. Nico herself leaned back a little in the seat so that she would be able to well show and test how comfy it was. The seats contouring to their bodies so it was the best comfort and the warming, cooling fabrics, the massage features for the most exclusive ones and here the living modules offered the converters.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
"Master jedi, can you thank Noriko for us. She has been offering a lot of help and giving us more information about the force and path of the jedi. There has been a lot of movement to open one of the old mountain cathedrals for use." The twins were speaking to her and sharing the thought. A byproduct of the force itself so that they would be able to move around. Nico sat there though seeing them and prepared herself for whatever might be able to happen. "I shall, she has enjoyed spending time with the two of you I know that." Nico was seeing them and they had spent a great deal of time with the jedi knight while she was waiting for the owner of the ebon hawk that she traveled with. Unsure if Kei this Kei was going to return or not though.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Nico did wonder a few other things though when she was finsihing up and some fo the hardlight projectors were being turned on for the club. To test them out but also see how the power source was going. Buried here on the planet and it was designed to almost last as long as there was dark energy to draw power from... more then good enough in her opinion. With a small look though across the club she could see another private booth that was under construction before the Liren styled hardlight display and image appeared with more dancers. She had worked and knew how to work best as a dancer in a club like this but much like Joza there was a lot that they might be able to do and try out here. Joza's help would be important as well as that one mall maker Marzena.

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